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I wanted to post some non-pet type photos for a bit of feeback. This was my first engagement shoot. I'd had the 24-70L lens for less than 48hrs.

How did I go? (I did post in POTN, but I rarely get feedback with most of the posts!)

Would you be happy with these? Have a captured a romatic feel to the set?









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I like this one the best as it seems to be the most relaxed of the couple shots.

Years ago, a pro photographer who specialised in romantic portraits (sorry can't remember the name) told me that if his subjects appeared a little uncomfortable during a shoot and his usual tricks to relax them weren't working, he would stop and 'adjust' the settings on his camera, without actually doing so. What he was really doing was secretly waiting for the couple to relax (thinking he wasn't shooting) and that's when he was able to capture something special.

I recently watched the Will and Grace series on DVD. In Season 4, Episode 24 - Hocus Focus (yes I am a Eric McCormack tragic), Glenn Close played Fannie Lieber (a homage to Annie Lebovitz) and used a similar trick (waited until they forgot about the camera) to capture a beautiful image full of emotion.

Congrats on your first engagement shoot. More pics please.

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Thanks for the tip Dxenion.. :laugh: The guy was really really awkward as he'd never had his photo taken in a 'session' before. I was probably awkward too.. LOL

I got about 80 images for them all up which I'm happy with. I think I really need to slow down a bit and take time to check my framing and where the light is hitting them.

Two more..

the cheesy lay on the grass while I take a photo over the top of you!



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I am not an expert but dabble fairly seriously in my photographic hobby.

I like this series of shots, and feel it reflects their personalities well. They are obviously at home on the farm. They look very much in love.

Due to the fact that you said he was nervous, having them do something was very smart, and looking at each other is natural for engaged couples to do, thus eye contact with the camera is not so important.

I particularly like the first one in each post, (pity his eyes look closed in the second though) and the Black and white kissing photo.

Watch for little things like "chopping off limbs, particularly fingers and toes) and if a limb bends, bend it, otherwise it looks awkward.

One of the best websites with rules of portraiture I have found is in the link below.


Well done on your first shoot, it was a pleasure looking at the results, and I am sure the couple will love them


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Haha.. Pers I never even noticed that until you said!! Being a bit awkward though he wasn't really comfortable with looking right into the camera. When he did he pulled some really funny faces.. he was so funny.

Thanks Tikira, that was exactly what I was going for. I really hope they seem them like that as well. That link is a great help! I've bookmarked to go back and read again when I need it! The feminine and masculine head tilt made me LOL - I'd never thought of that before!! I need to slow down in my shoots.. watching everything.

I hope they like them!

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I'm really sick so don't have the energy to comment on everything but the last shots of them individually are a bit scary - you've got the monster foreheads happening :laugh: And he's got wrinkles from trying to look up. Not flattering at all and I would be thinking twice about supplying those.

The second one is cute and I like the processing. I like the bw of them kissing (though I'd be playing with the processing some more and you need to watch chopping bits off in this one and quite a few others, as has already been mentioned).

The processing on most of the other colour ones doesn't seem polished or even & some of your crops seem non-standard and a bit odd.


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They're good.

I agree with Kja about the last ones. What lens did you use? Also, the ring one isn't the greatest angle.

As a fellow amputater, I sympathise :rofl: I love the details, like the horses, the gate and the woman's foot against the horse. I'm big on the little things :laugh: You have done really well for your first e shoot. My only advice would be to stop, take a breath, think about what you are doing and try not to get caught up in snapping away without really thinking.

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Thanks KJA and Huga..

KJA, I hope you're feeling better soon. It sucks when you're sick. I still have this huge blood vessel burst in my eye from a vomting bug on the weekend. I look like a circus freak.

I agree with the last one with the big foreheads look.. I will probably take them from the disc. There was something I couldn't put my finger on with his after you mentioned the wrinkles I was like "ah!!" thanks :laugh:

I agree I need to work more on my PP. I would like to have more consistency with the colour throughout the shots. My exposures were right off yesterday - thank goodness I shot in RAW.

Huga, I always love your shots that you post. I love the little details as well. It's about your surroundings as well as what makes the shoot. Thanks for the encouraging words. :rofl:

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my favourite 1 is no 2, I really like the relaxed feel of that. A lot of the others look a bit snap shotty, like you just happened to take the shot, without considering the light or the posing (I know it can be difficult where the model is not comfortable themselves with that, but that is part of our job from the other side of the camera to make them look good, so it can take a bit of work to be comfortable enough to order them around to achieve that but you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes).

The 24-70 is a great lens, so why not open it up and take advantage of that great minimum aperture that you can get with it - that is what seperates us from the cameras just set on auto, is that you can decide what you want to have as the subject of the shot, and what becomes the background, and how much of that is also in focus, whether it becomes bokeh, or whether it becomes part of the enviornment of the shot. A few of the conversions look a bit cool (ie the whites, esp the eyes), the white is not white, but instead is on the bluish side, but this can easily be fixed in photoshop by warming it up a bit more, and someone has already said about the last 2 - that happens from being a bit too close when shooting wide (guessing you had the lens on 24mm here). Some great stuff though to start with, but don't be scared to play a bit with angles, apertures etc - look at what moving around can do. If you are serious about the portrait stuff, another great site is ilovephotography.com, which has awesome tutorials, and some stuff on the free side that is just incredible

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