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Training When You Have More Than One Dog


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I've only really just started to train two dogs.

When training Jess, Bailey is doesn't care at all, so he just does his own thing.

But if I'm training Bailey, Jess sometimes has to be locked in the pool area, where she proceeds to scream. But if I'm only doing say jumps with Bailey and food rewarding she doesn't care, put weaves and tug rewards into the picture and she gets insanely jealous!

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Both my dogs get separated for training or they try to muscle in on each other's training sessions. Both make noise about it, although Kivi is much better at waiting than Erik. I'm teaching them to go to a mat in the hopes that this will help them settle while the other is training. Seems to be helping so far...

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Mine sit and watch quietly but I do take the dog being trained out the front. If I tried heeling with them all loose I would have 3 trying to heel at once! The ones waiting tend to join in on the stay which is pretty cute.

Poppy at herding is a nightmare though if I have more than one dog. She finds that very offensive.

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My dogs are trained together or some watching depending what we're doing. If its prey work and building it's great they watch each other, especially pups. They also need to learn to behave with another dog/s around so I do have them loose together and train one by one especially throwing food at them. Increases their focus.

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I take my 2 sibes and a crate down to dog training. I mostly am working with Wolf my male, and as soon as he looses interest/focus on me he is put in the crate and I get the red bitch out to train (although she doesn't know hardly anything yet- she is really just there as encouragement for him). He used to carry on and try and eat his way out of the crate- but now he has learned he has to wait- so mostly he just watches keenly waiting for his turn again.

The red girl waits calmly in her crate :p

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