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Petition: Harsher Penalties For Animal Cruelty!


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No worries at all. At the moment there are 125 signatures (last time I checked which was about an hour ago) - majority are from people in different countries though - we desperately need more australian supporters.

It is nice however to know that people in other countries are supporting NSW petition's because I am sure in thinking that if one country starts changing then the rest will eventually get on board as well you know?

I will keep everyone updated - please tell your friends about it.

It was also really horrible having to research all the abuse cases in the news - I have been doing it most of the day and pretty much can't stop crying so it is really hard for me. Thank you everyone for your support.

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Hi guys,

I have created a petition for harsher penalties towards animal cruelty in NSW (please, even if you aren't in NSW - help us out).

At the moment penalties can be seen at a 6 month jail term or a small fine. For aggravated cruelty to animals it is a 2 year jail sentence and a larger fine.

This isn't acceptable. A lot of the time there are loop holes and it is rare that people will go to jail, if they do - they get out early.

They 'aren't allowed to own a dog' - yet what is stopping them from going to a backyard breeder?

Please help me by signing the petition. I need 10,000 signatures before September 30 and with whatever I have I will be sending it to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

And because QLD have just tripled their punishment from 2yrs to 7yrs - I don't think it will take much for NSW to get on board.

We can do this guys.

Please help.


I also live in Victoria. But have signed the petition and posted it to facebook. Glad to help :thumbsup:

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