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Litters Due In June 2011

Bilbo Baggins

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She is going to keep you up at night, Wait until you are really, really tired :sleep: :sleep: and then when you need matches and coffee :coffee: :coffee: to keep your eyes open she will get down to business, so if I was you I would try to have forty winks during the day :shhh:

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She is going to keep you up at night, Wait until you are really, really tired :sleep: :sleep: and then when you need matches and coffee :coffee: :coffee: to keep your eyes open she will get down to business, so if I was you I would try to have forty winks during the day :shhh:

Agree totally with that.Cleo had me up all night till about 4am I pulled the pin. Went 1 week later. :eek:

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At 11.2 kilos she simply can't get any bigger, she is going to pop! Another day and she will explode.:eek: She does have milk in all teats today, tiny bit of clear mucus this morning. No breaky, my goodness that is a first, not one to turn her nose up at fresh chicken breast. :rofl:

What can one do but wait, can't sleep as i have a 2yr old at home, the other child is at kinder till 2pm. Not that i could sleep, rather use to lack of sleep after raising two babies.

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She is going to keep you up at night, Wait until you are really, really tired :sleep: :sleep: and then when you need matches and coffee :coffee: :coffee: to keep your eyes open she will get down to business, so if I was you I would try to have forty winks during the day :shhh:

Yep!! LOL. I hope she goes at a decent hour for you though!!

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Thanks everyone,

After consulting with the vet over the phone we decided to take her in town for a consult. To me things aren't moving along as I have seen her with past litter. :(

His words on first sight. "Bloody hell she is massive"! :rofl:

Her temp is exstremely low, good mucus discharge happening.

These temp levels have been low for over 48hrs with no sign of contractions. At the moment puppies are moving, we have detected kicks and wiggles, they are still alive. :thumbsup:

We are concern about the progesterone levels so we have taken bloods and the result of that will be if she needs a C section or what our next course of action is to be. I have her home for now just to wait till the results come in.

His thoughts going off her size approx 8 puppies, :eek: although she carring a good ratio of fat too so it's hard to estimate. Regardless she is going to be having more than the 4 predicted on the ultrasound back at 25 days.

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I think that you are going to have a very long night, I hope that you have lots of coffee, Tim Tams and other kinds of chocolate just to keep you going and now I think I will check out my pantry because I might just have to sit up half the night and keep watch also. GOOD LUCK I hope that all goes well.

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I think that you are going to have a very long night, I hope that you have lots of coffee, Tim Tams and other kinds of chocolate just to keep you going and now I think I will check out my pantry because I might just have to sit up half the night and keep watch also. GOOD LUCK I hope that all goes well.

ditto from me :D

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I've got chocolate teddy bear biscuits

Another boy

Weights are wrong sorry the scales aren't working correctly.Go figure when you need them too.

Rough guide going of my tiny kitchen set they are about 200grms each.

All of these are blenheim by the way.

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