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Finding It Hard To Get That Drive


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I'm trying to get some drive from my 3 yr old dalmatian. She is ok and probably most people at training say she works well but i want her to push a bit harder for me. I've started looking at the Susan Garrett you tube videos online that i can see i have to say its looking really good however i'm a wee concerned that she tends to have dogs that are already high drive demonstrating how to get higher drive. Has anyone tried her methods and to how much sucess has anyone had with increasing drive in a non working breed dog. I'm looking at buying a couple of her DVDs is there a better one to start at for older dogs which is your favourite one


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I wouldn't call my Dalmatian high drive but he's a hell of a lot better than as a youngster. I didn't follow a 'method' as such, just spent time finding out what made him tick, didn't apply too much pressure, learnt to be patient and tried to leave him wanting more. They are not the easiest breed to work with but certainly worth the effort.

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Yes, which drive?

We build prey drive with teasing & frustration & making the dog work gradually harder to capture the toy & then putting it away while they still want more. But, some dogs will have little drive no matter how much you try to build it.

Don't know much about Susan Garrett's drive methods.

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i'm a wee concerned that she tends to have dogs that are already high drive demonstrating how to get higher drive.

She begins with "bad dog trainers tend to have very motivated dogs"? Does she mean very disobedient dogs.

TSD, has experience with her Dally Zig. She spent one year shaping a retrieve. ONE YEAR!!!

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I've started looking at the Susan Garrett you tube videos online that i can see i have to say its looking really good however i'm a wee concerned that she tends to have dogs that are already high drive demonstrating how to get higher drive.

Take a look at Susan's work with her mixed breed DeCaff who was very much down the bottom end of the drive scale.

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Has anyone tried her methods and to how much sucess has anyone had with increasing drive in a non working breed dog.

I haven't used SG's methods to build drive, but I know people who have with success. I used a different program but have able to get a good result in terms of drive building with my non-working breed as well.

Edited by huski
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