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Rock/pebble Eaters


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I have a rock eater. :laugh: Monte.

I was hoping that in this new house Monte would somehow 'forget' his fascination for eating them and I wouldn't have to block off part of the yard. He hasn't forgotten how much he loves eating them afterall it seems.

My yard is only small, it is mainly stamped concrete and gardens. There is a largish side passage that has been filled with pebbles. I have now blocked this off which leaves the dogs wtih only a very small area to lay around and toilet in. I would love to be able to allow them up the side passage as they love to explore and wander about and there are gardens along the side of the house also.

The area covered by the pebbles is approximately 35 metres long and about 1.5 metrres wide so to replace it with something else will be costly and difficult. My husband has suggested that perhaps we can use quick drying cement to pour over the first 4 metres or so and then place a fence there, just so they have a little extra room, and work the cement in so that the pebbles are still visible but not able to be picked up.

I have some reserves about this method although it could possibly work.

Does anyone know of any other ways of stopping Monte from eating them? I can't muzzle him as I am yet to find a muzzle that suits flat faced breeds and that would be comfortable enough for him to wear all day.

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Could you pave it a part at a time?

Maybe that is what we will have to do. Pavers will eventually grow moss though which isn't great of OH&S, and again, it is just more of the same in the yard as the rest of it is stamped concrete.

I keep getting visions of pebble crete. I recall watching my father many, many years ago apply pebble crete and it was just some kind of clear resin stuff that you poured and then you poured the pebbles on top. I wonder if there is something like that for large pebbles though?

Edited by ~Anne~
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fordogtrainers.com have muzzles for flat faced breeds

Thanks. :rofl:

The muzzle they show for a Pug looks like a normal length muzzle to me. :laugh:

It is also a wire muzzle and I can't see it being comfortable, not that any muzzle realy would be anyway. However, if I am going to muzzle my Pug, I want him to be as comfortable as possible. I would be more inclined to look at something light weight, in a soft leather.

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