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Best Worming/flea/mite/etc. Control For My Miniature Schnauzer...

Guest Lil' Noodlez

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Please do a LOT of reading on the difference between a 6 and an 8 week old pup .

It is NOT just health .

6-8 weeks is an important time for learning doggy manners /ways of behaving around dogs and humans... puppies missing out on all this from their mother may have big problems later .

As you have done your research, you will know that when a pup is vaccinated -its body has to work hard at then producing the antibodies needed... this IS a stress on a puppy's system . Left alone with Mum, and eating good food .. is fine ... but a puppy straight after vacc (and exposure to who knows what at a vets ) then travelling, being fussed over, losing littermates/mum/familiar surroundings,being on food for which it's digestive system is not ready for .. ...................well, you are setting this puppy up for a not-ideal start.

worming etc is the least of your concerns now .....I'm sorry .

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Guest Lil' Noodlez
We use Advocate for puppies up to 4 kg. which can be used from 7 weeks. Covers fleas, ticks, worms (except tapeworm) mites, ear mites. Good luck with your puppy. What a shame it is missing the important last two weeks with it's littermates and mum.


Thanks for the recommendation Puglodge. What do you use to treat the tapeworm?

Yes i know :)

The "breeder" made it quite clear though that if they weren't flying overseas - they most certainly wouldn't give the pups up at 6 weeks. It is just an unfortunate circumstance that is all.

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Guest Lil' Noodlez

Wow. Looks like i've hit a sore spot with pretty much everyone here. Pretty sad really...

Looking back, i should have left the "6 weeks" out of my original post. It's brought nothing but criticism. I'm sure i would have received a better response from everyone if i said 8 or 9 weeks...

It's no wonder people like myself go to BYB (learnt that one overnight!) because the minute they post a question on a forum of pure bred breeders - they are crucified for making such a bad decision on where and who they got the dog from, etc. Let alone having to answer what i thought was such a simple query - God forbid!!

Bad idea for me to sign up to this forum. I'm going somewhere less hostile...

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Wow. Looks like i've hit a sore spot with pretty much everyone here. Pretty sad really...

You think it's pretty sad that people here actually care more about the welfare of your new puppy than the ''breeders'' do?

Looking back, i should have left the "6 weeks" out of my original post. It's brought nothing but criticism. I'm sure i would have received a better response from everyone if i said 8 or 9 weeks...

Yep - because at least this would have indicated the ''breeder'' thought about the long term welfare of the puppies they had brought in to the world just a tiny bit. No health testing indicates no care about what could happen to these pups, selling them at 6 weeks indicates even less care

It's no wonder people like myself go to BYB (learnt that one overnight!) because the minute they post a question on a forum of pure bred breeders - they are crucified for making such a bad decision on where and who they got the dog from, etc. Let alone having to answer what i thought was such a simple query - God forbid!!

You have received answers to your ''simple query'' - answers an ethical breeder would have answered for you (and indeed have done so on this forum)

You're not locked in to supporting this puppy farmer but apparently intend to support their unethical breeding practices despite KNOWING you have made a bad decision. Can't help some people :)

Edited by Sandra777
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It's not really criticism at you - but for the unscrupulous folks who are the 'breeders' of this litter- and how they are palming off 'purebred' puppies who may be carrying genetic faults/temperament problems because the proper procedures weren't carried out :)

You sound as if your puppy will be in very good hands :laugh: I am thankful for that ..and also hoping the others will go also to caring and understanding owners.

My guess is that there is no health guarantee from these breeders, and that lifelong support is also not included?

on a forum of pure bred breeders -

:D Most of us are not breeders..rather pet/dog owners

Edited by persephone
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Wow. Looks like i've hit a sore spot with pretty much everyone here. Pretty sad really...

Looking back, i should have left the "6 weeks" out of my original post. It's brought nothing but criticism. I'm sure i would have received a better response from everyone if i said 8 or 9 weeks...

It's no wonder people like myself go to BYB (learnt that one overnight!) because the minute they post a question on a forum of pure bred breeders - they are crucified for making such a bad decision on where and who they got the dog from, etc. Let alone having to answer what i thought was such a simple query - God forbid!!

Bad idea for me to sign up to this forum. I'm going somewhere less hostile...

I think it's sad to see people buy pups that may go blind because breeders fail to carry out health checks. I also think it's sad to see a breeder offloading pups early and heading overseas right at the time puppy buyers need the most support.

But that's just me :laugh:

Edited by poodlefan
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Wow. Looks like i've hit a sore spot with pretty much everyone here. Pretty sad really...

Looking back, i should have left the "6 weeks" out of my original post. It's brought nothing but criticism. I'm sure i would have received a better response from everyone if i said 8 or 9 weeks...

It's no wonder people like myself go to BYB (learnt that one overnight!) because the minute they post a question on a forum of pure bred breeders - they are crucified for making such a bad decision on where and who they got the dog from, etc. Let alone having to answer what i thought was such a simple query - God forbid!!

Bad idea for me to sign up to this forum. I'm going somewhere less hostile...

DOL is not hostile - just factual. Stick around, there are some extremely knowledgeable people on this forum and you will learn a lot. :laugh:

I am not a breeder - we rescue the "ex puppy farm dogs and mostly pet shop and byb dogs" that people often dump/surrender when they realise that a schnauzer is a fairly high maintenance breed. They need regular brushing, grooming every 6 weeks throughout most of the year (approx. $60 -70) and are a high energy breed which need at least once a day walking/exercise and of course obedience training.

People here have not "crucified" you, they are only concerned about the welfare of your new puppy.

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Just wanted to correct something - Revolution is actually Selamectin (same drug family as Ivermectin), and Advocate does not kill ticks - only Advantix (there's an extra ingredient in there).

Good luck with your pup - people are really just trying to make you realise the potential health problems you're up for as your pups parents haven't been checked and cleared. It's a good idea to be aware and may make your source of a pup change for next time.

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Some spot ons are safe on pups that are 6 weeks old, some aren't. Can't remember which are safe and which aren't off the top of my head, but make sure you check the packet or ask your vet before you use it on your puppy.

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