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My puppies are 5 weeks old and are eating solids and have been now for the last week.

I has been letting mum in with the pups and they would still get a feed from her and been gradually reduding this so her milk dries.

However this plan has now changed as yesterday mum had a severe allergic reaction to something - the poor things face puffed up like a balloon - and she has had to take steroid tablets. This means the pups can no longer feed from her.

Does anyone have any suggestions of what I can use to cover up her teats so she can still spend time with the pups? I had thought of a t-shirt.

Also do you have any suggestions to help her milk dry up? I am going to have to express her a few times a day as she still had a lot of milk!

Thanks so much for you suggestions :laugh:

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My puppies are 5 weeks old and are eating solids and have been now for the last week.

I has been letting mum in with the pups and they would still get a feed from her and been gradually reduding this so her milk dries.

However this plan has now changed as yesterday mum had a severe allergic reaction to something - the poor things face puffed up like a balloon - and she has had to take steroid tablets. This means the pups can no longer feed from her.

Does anyone have any suggestions of what I can use to cover up her teats so she can still spend time with the pups? I had thought of a t-shirt.

Also do you have any suggestions to help her milk dry up? I am going to have to express her a few times a day as she still had a lot of milk!

Thanks so much for you suggestions :laugh:

You completely seperate mum from her puppies...and she will dry up on her own. Just keep an eye on her feeling for any over hardness or redness....do not be tempted to express milk as this will only get her making milk to replace what was expressed. :confused:

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I agree with Shazzapug. In addition you can reduce the amount of food she gets, give her no food at all for 24 hours and then feed her half the amount she was getting before, if you've been giving her any extras stop feeding them. Also reduce her fluid intake if you've been giving her more liquids than usual to aid lactation. This method will substantially reduce her milk supply and help to avoid mastitis, but continue to keep an eye on her as mastitis is still a possibility.

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Isn't Mum's role pretty important in teaching her pups right up until 8 weeks? I understand she wouldn't be with them all the time as she's be sick of them but do they not need her teachings during this time?

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What sized dog are you talking about?

A T-shirt and some bandages or rag strips would work on a lot of breeds, you just have to use your ingenuity!

Feed the pups before introducing mum in her new outfit :laugh: and best done outside and keep encouraging mum to move around and play with the pups.

Agree with what shazzapug & miranda have suggested to dry her up, and definitely don't express any milk unless you get mastitis issues.

Strange that the vet gave her nothing to help dry her up if it's so important she no longer feed the pups!

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Isn't Mum's role pretty important in teaching her pups right up until 8 weeks? I understand she wouldn't be with them all the time as she's be sick of them but do they not need her teachings during this time?

Normally yes, but in these circumstances putting the bitch with the puppies will put stress on both the dam and the pups as the puppies will be frantic to suckle and will keep attempting to do so and she will be just as desperate to feed them to relieve the pressure. There's also a possibility that just being with the pups may stimulate her milk production.

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