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Frustrating aye! Best way I know to bring a bitch in season is to enter her in a really important show several states away if possible. Booking holidays and/or an air ticket will guarantee she's standing the day of the show :laugh:

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Frustrating aye! Best way I know to bring a bitch in season is to enter her in a really important show several states away if possible. Booking holidays and/or an air ticket will guarantee she's standing the day of the show :laugh:

Definitely agree with this :)

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We wait for the heat ,we wait for the mating ,we wait for the results (if u ultrasound )we wait for the whelping ,we wait for the developement ,we wait & wait ,But a healthy litter is well worth the wait !!!!!

& the joys of such r worth thier wieght in gold !!!!!!

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LOL - I have just been through that with Jazz.

I solved it by starting agility training, booking a herding clinic and writing some show entries (I never got around to posting - the first2 seemed to do the trick, lol)

Good luck, hopefully she doesnt keep you waiting too much longer.

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the girls have the plan to keep us on our toes.....either waiting for them to come in or doing it early and catching you off guard

Yep this happened to me... Brandy came in 3 weeks earlier than we had predicted this time & completely surprised us...but doesn't matter she is now pregant & currently on day 40. ;)

But I agree about the waiting,it can get on your nerves sometimes. :grouphug:

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