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Helping People And Their Pets In Crisis


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20 March 2011

Helping people and their pets in crisis

When disaster strikes – whether it be an earthquake, flood, fire or a tragic and unforseen accident – looking after human survivors are priority and often times the needs associated with their pets are overlooked.

But a dedicated group of volunteers are helping to make a difference for fellow pet owners and their animals through PACERS, a national charity initiated by the Master Dog Breeders and Associates (MDBA). The organisation’s aim is to ensure the pets are receiving the best of care and their owners don’t feel overwhelmed and needing to surrender, neglect or have them suffer in any way when things get tough.

“We offer pet owners a safety net if things go wrong unexpectedly, including personal hardship and natural disasters (such as the Queensland and Victoria floods),” said Julie Nelson, CEO of MDBA PACERS. “A very large part of what we do is about the pet owners in the belief that if we help and support the owners, their pets will benefit the most.”

The PACERS philosophy proved true with Gary Prichard of Albury, NSW who became nearly quadriplegic following a car accident in April last year and could no longer care for his beloved five-year-old dog, Banjo.

Gary suffered severe spinal damage with multiple fractures to the back and neck vertebrae and artery dissection. He initially lay flat on his back for two months in a Melbourne hospital, where he learned he might not be able to get from bed to a wheelchair without assistance.

Fear for Banjo’s future

But Gary was most concerned about Banjo's future, fearing he would never be able to care for him again. “Banjo had experienced a bad start in life,” said Gary. “He was handed in to the Albury pound as a puppy in such a bad condition that the vet almost put him down.”

At four months old, Banjo went to Albury Dog Rescue where he was adopted by Gary and became the best of buddies. After the accident, Banjo was moved from pillar to post. Gary became particularly anxious after a well-meaning friend who was looking after his affairs suggested the best thing for Banjo would be to have him euthanised.

“I wasn’t going to let this happen,” said Gary.

That's when a plea for help brought Chris Lythollous, a PACERS foster carer from Albury, into his and Banjo's lives. Chris’ compassion for her fellow humans and enthusiastic attitude towards the care of dogs created a situation where Banjo became the focal point of Gary's recovery, explained Julie.

“When I was in hospital in Melbourne, Chris sent me photos and e-mails about Banjo,” said Gary. “When I moved back to Albury hospital, she went out of her way to regularly visit me with Banjo during the three or more months I was there.”

During this time, Gary progressed from bed to wheelchair to walking frame to crutches. Towards the end of his stay in hospital, Chris and her partner Shane took Gary and Banjo to the local off-leash park so Gary could watch Banjo play.

“When I was finally able to return home, Chris first brought Banjo for day visits, then sleepovers, and it was not long before he was home for good,” said Gary.

When Banjo returned home, Chris then provided various bedding items and new food and water bowls for him, while Shane helped out with several jobs around the house.

Gary still gets emotional when he talks about the impact Chris has had on his life in allowing his love and care for Banjo to be able to positively impact on his recovery. “She is an inspiration,” said Gary. “She is a pure ball of positive energy and a beacon of light.”

PACERS Outstanding Service of the Year Award

And if ever Chris was to be in such desperate need, there will be PACERS and a foster carer waiting in the wings to help bring her and her animals through, said Julie. “All of our foster carers are special people who put themselves out in this way to help a fellow pet owner and our gratitude for them in doing that can’t be overstated.”

On Friday night, Chris was presented the MDBA PACERS Award for Outstanding Service of the Year at the annual MDBA Awards, held at the Jika International in Melbourne. Presenting the award was PACERS National Marketing Manager Marshal Nelson.

Humbled by the award, Chris said she did “nothing out of the ordinary” and that she owed a lot of her dedication to helping Banjo and Gary to the great support she received from the PACERS team.

“I would hope that someone would support anyone in the same position and help them to keep their animals,” said Chris.

PACERS services

PACERS provides foster carers for animals whose owners are temporarily homeless, ill or who have suffered accidents, but it also helps out with walking or cleaning to ensure the animals stay at home if that’s the best solution.

After the Queensland and Victoria floods, PACERS organised crates and cages, first aid equipment and animal feeds. The organisation also provided fencing and penning – whatever that was needed quickly to contain and keep animals safe, well and with their owners, so they had one thing less to worry about while trying to cope with the tragedy.

“When people all around are grieving for their friends and family, those who are grieving for pets often have no way to verbalise how they are feeling and their loss can be trivialised by many in the community,” said Julie. “PACERS provides bereavement counselling via phone and in person for those who are suffering due to the loss of their pet. We are still getting calls via counsellors for help post Victorian bushfires."

Because many people were afraid to go to work and leave their animals at home on high fire danger days, PACERS set up carers who would babysit their pets on these days between work hours.

“Simple things sometimes makes a huge difference and just being able to supply a penned area and food, as well as a shoulder to cry on, makes a lot of difference,” said Julie.

PACERS in need of funds

Julie thanked all the businesses that support PACERS through donations of services and supplies.

“With the generous help of Eukanuba we have been able to help feed thousands of cats and dogs whose owners have hit hard times and provide donations of food to over 20 private canine rescue organisations,” she said.

But PACERS is in need of additional ongoing funds in order to continue providing assistance to pet owners and their companion animals around Australia. “Much of the services and supplies are donated, but we also need cash flow to be able to cover vet bills and various other expenses which are inherent in what we do,” said Julie.

For further information about MDBA PACERS or to donate, please contact [email protected] or 02 6927 6707 For more information or media interviews, please contact:

Julie Nelson


Tel 02 6927 6707 Mob 0427 015 152

Email [email protected] Discover more at www.mdbapacers.org.au


Press Release by

Caroline Zambrano Freelance Pet Editor/Writer Sydney, Australia

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Great press release :-))


When Gary got up and told his story I cried and Id heard it over and over and had been involved in the thing as it was unfolding. It still got me and there wouldnt have been many dry eyes in the house.

Caroline has done a great job too in reporting it.

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Fabulous story!!! Obviously this one is particularly close to my heart, not only because Banjo was a special little puppy who was lucky to be alive when he first arrived at my house or because Gary was always an amazing first-time dog owner who loved his dog with all his heart but because my husband and I are lucky enough to have Chris call us friend. Gary's description of her as "a pure ball of positive energy and a beacon of light” is so accurate as everyone who met her on Saturday night would be able to attest.

MDBA Pacers is an amazing organisation - Julie you do a fabulous job!!!

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Well done - it was a truly lovely story, heralding courage; generosity; support; encouragement; humility; gratitude and dignity. I cheered on the evening, for the people involved in the story, and for Banjo. But I cheer again, knowing all the while that, not to take it away from any of the parties to this one, there are many more heart warming stories of gladness that have been made possible because of the efforts of MDBA Pacers.

Well done, one and all :o.

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Well done - it was a truly lovely story, heralding courage; generosity; support; encouragement; humility; gratitude and dignity. I cheered on the evening, for the people involved in the story, and for Banjo. But I cheer again, knowing all the while that, not to take it away from any of the parties to this one, there are many more heart warming stories of gladness that have been made possible because of the efforts of MDBA Pacers.

Well done, one and all :) .

Yep every sngle one has a story to tell. Some you cant say much about due to privacy issues but how awesome are our foster carers!

They not only take these animals into their home but they also allow the owners to visit where its practical and keep them updated on what's happening in their animals day to day lives!

Its really hard to find the words to explain how much admiration I have for these people and put into words the sacrifices they make to provide something for someone who needs a hand and so far every single one who has helped us out has done everything by the book and perfect.

Its too bad that all of the stories could not be told.

We have one who wasnt able to foster but wanted to help so her and her husband went to markets every second week end to sell hand made greeting cards and book marks for us and each and every time deposited the money made on the day into our account. Usually this couple sat there all day - regardless of the weather and distributed our flyers and made around $10 a week just for us! How wonderful! How do you say thank you adequately for that? That person is no longer able to do that as her husband who also helped pacers to raise this $10 per fortnight has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Thats just one more reason why Im so honoured to have been able to know these people and you just cant explain adequately how every contribution and every gesture of offer for help and donations of money and time are appreciated. Not just by the people and animals they help but by anyone who hears their stories.

Pacers has been able to make a difference to lots of people now who have needed help with their animals but the contribution ordinary every day people are making in all manner of ways is incredible and it needs someone much better with the written word than me to attempt to say thank you.

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