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Vitamin C


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After reading about the use of Vit C for allergies I tried it myself this week.....I had another allergic reaction to something (still havent figured out what :rolleyes: )..........I took about 6g on Saturday and it helped immensely with the itching and swelling!!!

Anyway its just occurred to me that it may be useful for our poor allergic ridgy :confused:

Does anyone use it regularly and with what kind of results???

After researching on a few websites it seems I should be giving about 100mg/10lbs of bodyweight per day.


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my golden breeder feeds vit c everyday to all her dogs... they get as much as their bowel will tolerate which i believe is aprox 4-6000mg a day?? best to start them ona small amount then slowly build up each time u increase remain on this amount for 2 days then another increase

When u reach their tollerance level they will get the runs drop it back again and this will be the daily quote if they are showing bad belly signs on and off just drop it back a lil... no worries about toxicity it is a water soluable vitamin so they will just excreate it in their urine, so monitor this as well make sure they have plenty of water as well :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I give one tablet a day of Vit C to my GD pup to help with her uptake of calcium.

Regular vitamin C tablets are next to useless. You need a quality Vitamin C powder one that is Calcium Ascorbate based. These have better absorption rates.

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Anyway its just occurred to me that it may be useful for our poor allergic ridgy :thumbsup:

Hey Lab_Rat. Can't remember if you've previous mentioned - do you know what it is your dog's allergic to?

Two things that have helped immensley for mine (and I think you know how bad his skin issues were) :

  • Finding his thyroid imbalance and correcting it.
  • After much mucking around, putting him on Hills Science Z/D (prescription) diet. From there I periodically try him on different protein sources to note what and how he reacts to them. It's expensive but it has helped immensely to stabilise his system while I dot around trying to find out if there is ANY protein source he can tolerate.

And of course you would already know that I used the Calendula Tea to relieve the allergy symptoms and keep them at bay.

Did you know that Dr Jean Dodds is coming out with a "new breakthrough" in digestive system tests? I'm on her list for when it is released and will be certain to let others know here what it's about when I know.

Edited by Erny
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