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I Am Over It


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Thanks- I knew the crazy dog ladies would understand :-).

I am at a loss what to do. My previous safe place is safe no more. When I tell people she has issues they don't care- she is small so she will always come off second best. That or it is her problem if she has issues and their dog will " sort her out".

Another crazy dog lady who totally understands, here. :)

You're right. The cause of the problem is all those dogs off-leash in public areas where they're supposed to be on-leash. That's a huge issue for owners of others dogs, whether their dogs have issues or not.

I think that's a spot-on idea of taking it to the people who should be policing the by-laws.

Edited by mita
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Guest english.ivy

I don't do dog parks anymore.

We walk the streets only and like PF said, only stupid dog owners walk their dogs off lead near a road.

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i wish we could make a state or even better nation wide rule...a dog school i visited had a rule to make dogs with doggy issues visable and avoidable.. they were a red bandana so poeple know to stay clear of this dog, i would love if we could do this on our walks then if they let their dog rush urs and it gets hurt u can fairly say they had due warning to stay clear and chose not to - this doesnt solve the off lead issue but at least saves our dogs from being PTS if they defend themselves or their owners... i can dream LOL

Hugs to u Megan where are u in vic?? maybe there is a place very close by which is enclosed and safe? or maybe a friend or very nice doler has a property u can go to??

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I don't do dog parks anymore.

We walk the streets only and like PF said, only stupid dog owners walk their dogs off lead near a road.

Unfortunately I come across many of those stupid dog owners. :love:

There was a silly, over-the-top pup who goes to my regular park. Her owner on many occasions lamented her silliness and wished she was better behaved (I directed him to the nearby dog club :) ).

Imagine my horror when seeing them both crossing a major 4 lane city street and the dog OFFLEAD!!!!

I just don't understand. :)

Edited by dee lee
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I don't do dog parks anymore.

We walk the streets only and like PF said, only stupid dog owners walk their dogs off lead near a road.

Unfortunately I come across many of those stupid dog owners. :love:

There was a silly over the top pup who used to go to my regular park. Her owner on many occasions lamented her silliness and wished she was better behaved (I directed him our nearby dog club :cry: ).

Imagine my horror when seeing them both crossing a major 4 lane city street and the dog OFFLEAD!

I just don't understand. :)

Around my parts you have people who cannot contain their dogs in their own yard... even on busy roads. You feel that these dogs' days are numbered. :)

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My recommendation: carry a walking stick with you. As soon as you're rushed, step forward raising the stick, bellow 'Get home' at the top of your voice. This usually does the trick for me.


I do this as well when I take more than one dog out by myself. I love dogs but I love mine more and will protect them by any means necessary :eek:

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Regardless of whether a dog is DA or not it would be nice if people would control their dogs from rushing up to other dogs and getting in their face, lets face it how defensive would we be if a complete stranger rushed up into our personal space. I feel for you and your dog and am so sorry that what should be an enjoyable outing for you both is spoilt by others being thoughtless.

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