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Correct Positioning


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Up until recently, I've been very happy with my dogs hip and elbow xrays, in fact, I've never given it a second though...

I've had three girls done over the years with good scores. Now in February, I thought I would use a local vet for my girl who suffers car sickness and to save on travel time and also petrol costs.

When I recieved the scores two weeks ago, I was very disappointed and had to decided wether she should be rehomed or could be bred to a lower scored dog.... UNTIL I picked up her xrays from the vet clinic....

Many searches on the internet and talking to several breeders I found that they are poorly positioned and they should never have been scored, not to mention a number of people saying I should have walked out and not paid a cent!

I'm in the process of waiting to see if the scorer will give the go ahead for an second xray to correct the position.

Has anyone else had a xray which they have doubted? and what was the outcome?

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Risyntira apparently if the positioning is not good, they might still score if they think it won't affect the outcome of the scores. If the placement looks that bad, i'd definitely be looking at new xrays and a new scorer - plus perhaps asking for your money back for both if the second set of scores come back with good results!

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I would definitely want those re x-rayed and re scored - that is poor, uneven, positioning.

The hips actually look pretty reasonable to my untrained eye - particularly the better positioned hip - do you mind if I ask what the score was?

I would be pointing the vet to the website below, so that they can see how to correctly position hips and so that they can see the poor positioning they have produced, and I would be politely requesting that they re x-ray at no charge with correct positioning.


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Thanks Allerzeit,

I would prefer not to say at this point what the scores are for this xray.

To me, both sides are CRAP!!! :rofl:

I have looked at that website and even emailed Ed and he also told me to print his article and give it to my vet!

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shortstep, I'd rather not publish the results at the moment. :rofl:

Sorry I was typing this when you were saying that in the above post.

Did the score reflect thickening/changes to the neck of the femer, any arthritis anywhere?

Anyway, anything over 14 I would get a second opinion just because.

I has xrays sent to Lavelle for the first time about 2 weeks ago and he scored them about where I thought they would come in, maybe just a bit higher (I would have said 1-3 and he said 2-4) but close enough to not worry about. You might want to try him. Was very quick to get them done and a nice guy to talk to.

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Thats where I sent them, Shortstep. :rofl:

He's going to get back to me with what his recommendations are, either leave it or re-xray for free from the same vet. I can't get another xray until the vet gets his permission.

ETA: Norberg Angle and Subluxation on the right is double the left. Canial acetubular edge is the same score.

Edited by Risyntira
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ETA: Norberg Angle and Subluxation on the right is double the left. Canial acetubular edge is the same score.

Right being on the left in this photo, that would be about right I would think. Not the best coverage and it might be if you bring that leg in line it would make that score worse.

However if the neck is normal and there is no arthritis then I would not react too qucikly.

Was the dog under?

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To me the dog looks to be tilted.

I once sent an xray to Wyburn that I was not too happy with and he returned them to me saying that if he was to evaluate then my dog would fail, I had them redone at another vet and she scored 2/5 :rofl:

Now I would rather travel 2 1/2 hours one way for good xrays.

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Yes I've heard of Wyburn sending xrays back or noting the positioning was incorrect - definitely worth travelling to a vet you know will do it right rather than having to put them through it twice :rofl:

What a bummer Risyntira, hope he gives the ok for another try

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