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I Am Never Walking My Dogs In This Neighbourhood Again.


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Oh my god... I am in shock right now.

I was walking the dogs with my Mum down the street, walking up the opposite side of the street was an old man with a SWF and a pram with a baby. Next thing out of nowhere this little staffy appears and starts trying to kill the SWF. The old man grabbed a big stick that he was carrying with him and tried to whack the dog but with the commotion and the leads tangling under him he fell backwards on to the bitumen and got knocked out. I didn't know what to do cause I had my dogs with us and me and my mum were just screaming and neighbours all started running out to help. Next thing i know there's a second staffy that has joined in, the old man had gotten up again and then one of the staffies knocked the pram over and the baby landed face first on the bitumen. The neighbours had arrived and were trying to help and at this point I realise i've got to get out of of here before my dogs get targeted next. So me and Mum started running as fast as we could back to our house all the while I can hear the baby crying and people screaming and the swf yelping. Mum turned around whilst we were running and saw one of the staffies was coming up the road after us so I was absolutely terrified at this point and ran as fast as I could and got the dogs inside.

Once I caught my breath me and mum walked back to see what had happened. There was a very distraught lady crying her eyes out, turns out she was the owner of the dogs and her dogs had jumped out of the car window!! The baby seemed fine and the owners of the staffies were very apologetic and were offering to take the old man to the hospital but he refused. The little swf thankfully seemed to be okay, although very shaken up.

After this ordeal I don't think I am game to take my dogs for a walk again. There was nothing that man could have done to stop them, it was just lucky that so many neighbours came out and acted quickly.

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The woman's tears notwithstanding, the incident should be reported to the police. 3 lives were endangered there....the baby, the elderly man & a small dog.

Jimmay, Im glad you and your mum & your dogs were able to stay safe. You're right...you were in danger, too.

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Just curious, if 2 staffys were "attacking" a swf, while the owner is out cold wouldn't the dog have had injuries?

Not saying it didn't happen.

well what are you saying??? Strange post, I'd be curious to know if these dogs were reported. I guess the dog was very lucky to escape serious injury. But injured or not, in my opinion their owner should take more care with restraning them, it's obvious to some extent that they aren't very social animals. It's cases like this that give the breed a bad name.

I'm very glad to hear that you, your mum and your dogs weren't hurt in any way, like someone said, you were very much in danger. I think you may need a stiff drink tonight.

I hope the old man is o.k. and especially the baby, so scarey.

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Just curious, if 2 staffys were "attacking" a swf, while the owner is out cold wouldn't the dog have had injuries?

Not saying it didn't happen.

well what are you saying???

Maybe it was a general musing, as 2 Staffords off lead hell bent on killing an on lead SWF would have done some damage? Maybe that's what Juice meant?

Glad everything turned out OK for all involved and hopefully next time the owner may take further precautions when having dogs willing to attack another dog unrestrained in a car with windows down.

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To be honest I was surprised the dog didn't have any noticeable injuries either, but I wouldn't rule out internal bruising. From what I saw the staffy had the dog pinned to the ground by the throat and was clamping down hard and attempting to shake it. When the second staffy showed up and it clicked that my dogs were in danger too I was more focussed on getting out of there so i'm not sure what happened after that but there was a lot of screaming and commotion going on.

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God how awful!

We've had dogs jump out of their owners (parked) car and attack our dogs, while sitting at an outside cafe. Luckily OH grabbed our dogs, I grabbed and roared at the other dogs and they backed off until the owner showed up, quickly bundled the dogs into her car and sped off without seeing if our two were okay.


I agree with Huga people need to restrain their dogs in cars.

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Needs reporting for sure. Owner is an idiot and it could have killed someone for God's sake and the poor little dog. Stupid, stupid woman.

I would also have been inclined to have sent my mum home with the dog and done something to try and stop the loose dogs making a nuisance of themselves.

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Who cares how bad the small dogs injuries were, it really doesn't matter.

Having said that I remember a toy poodle coming in who had been grabbed by a larger dog. On chomp. SHe had a small laceration on her abdomen around 2 cms long.

When she was knocked out it was discovered the tooth had gone thorugh all the layers into the abdomen and luckily not badly but had damaged her intestines.

What has happened on the outside may not be a true reflection of what has happened on the inside.

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why didnt you give the dogs to your mum and help the poor old man and baby?

My Mum would not have been strong enough to hold Tyson... My mum tried to walk over to the man whilst still having Pixie on lead with her! I yelled at her to get back and come to me and by that time there were more than enough people there trying to control the situation. I'm sorry but my number one priority is protecting my own dogs.

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why didnt you give the dogs to your mum and help the poor old man and baby?

My Mum would not have been strong enough to hold Tyson... My mum tried to walk over to the man whilst still having Pixie on lead with her! I yelled at her to get back and come to me and by that time there were more than enough people there trying to control the situation. I'm sorry but my number one priority is protecting my own dogs.

Yep, I'm with you Jimmay. In this situation, protect oneself and one's dog/s above all else. Go and get help by all means. But never put yourself or your own dog/s in danger. I always carry a phone when I go out walking. My response would be stand back and call for assistance. :rofl: You did nothing wrong as far as I'm concerned. :laugh::noidea:

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staying away with your own dogs was very sensible particularly when there were lots of others to help, if there werent' I'm sure that you would have rushed over to help.

I hope the people with the maltese take her to the vets. I remember my own maltese RIP was injured by a blue cattle dog many years ago rushing out of a yard and I thought she was okay but on examination at home she had bite marks on her and was going into shock :noidea:

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why didnt you give the dogs to your mum and help the poor old man and baby?

My Mum would not have been strong enough to hold Tyson... My mum tried to walk over to the man whilst still having Pixie on lead with her! I yelled at her to get back and come to me and by that time there were more than enough people there trying to control the situation. I'm sorry but my number one priority is protecting my own dogs.

I consider human life, especially a baby more important than my animals. A BABY face planting the concrete in a pram with heightened dog behaviour surrounding it would turn on my overdrive ESPECIALLY when there were 2 adults with 2 dogs on lead who could have worked out a plan instead of squealing off down the road. If your mother was fit enough to run off, maybe you should have squealed off home and sent your mother to assist.

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why didnt you give the dogs to your mum and help the poor old man and baby?

My Mum would not have been strong enough to hold Tyson... My mum tried to walk over to the man whilst still having Pixie on lead with her! I yelled at her to get back and come to me and by that time there were more than enough people there trying to control the situation. I'm sorry but my number one priority is protecting my own dogs.

I consider human life, especially a baby more important than my animals. A BABY face planting the concrete in a pram with heightened dog behaviour surrounding it would turn on my overdrive ESPECIALLY when there were 2 adults with 2 dogs on lead who could have worked out a plan instead of squealing off down the road. If your mother was fit enough to run off, maybe you should have squealed off home and sent your mother to assist.

:noidea: geez it's so easy to judge someone else when you haven't been in that position yourself. I'm just glad opinions are just that, hopefully the OP knows this as well.

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