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Recommendation For Chiro Or Bowen Please


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Hi all,

I'm seeking chiro or bowen for our 13 year old grey, Maggie, who we believe has lumbosacral stenosis. With the recent flare up of this condition in the past three weeks she has also become incontinent (urinary). Stilboestrol and a new generation anti-inflam/pain killer provided very short term relief from incontinence, but quickly became ineffective. From what I've read I am extremely concerned that the incontinence associated with LS very quickly becomes chronic and incurable, so I'm looking to urgently try some alternative treatments for her - primarily manipulation or bowen. I'm thinking of taking her to Chris Boeme in Keysborough (Melbourne). Can anyone please recommend anyone else in the Melbourne metro area - or close by?



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Thanks for your suggestions. After much thought and a discussion with Maggie's vet, I've decided to try acupuncture rather than manipulation. Since I posted, Maggie has had a good day, and today a not so good day and I am very concerned at how quickly her discomfort level seems to be increasing. The vet/acupuncturist I'm taking her to this week has had some excellent results with lumbar related disorders...so I'm hoping...

Thanks again,


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Thanks Michelleva and Sagittarian - I have decided against chiro, but I haven't ruled out Bowen. S - thanks for the Pawsitive Therapies reference. M - I'll PM you for the Frankston practitioner's details.



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