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Litters Due May 2011

Bilbo Baggins

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Here are come pictures of my noisy crew - 2 weeks old tonight.

The girls:


The boys:


1st boy (a shame it is out of focus, but cute none the less)


And what seems to be everyones favourite:


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The boy at the front is driving me nuts!! He is so bloody noisy and whiny, just like his father was as a baby. He can cry while feeding, lol. But he is a nice boy.

The littlest girl is super cute and full of herself, she is sitting up on the left of the girl group shot.

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looking great Piper, Mine are 1 week old today, going well, 8 of the 10 crawled out of the box last night as mum was having a rest outside the box, woke up to find them all suckling her just outside the box, Put the door on now.

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Looking lovely skyehaven!! Mine haven't quite managed it out of the box although I got a scare when I came home yesterday as i couldn't find the 6th puppy but he was hiding right under the pig rail!

Mine are all a bit off after the worming, i think... runnny poo is just not fun. Ari also seems a bit off...

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How old are they now ST?

I reluctantly started giving mine a little but to eat 2 nights ago. They were gaining well still but would scream during the night. They weren't hot or cold so it was suggested by a few breeder friends as they are such a big litter in numbers and actual size to give them something before bed. It has helped - they still wake but they are quieter when they do and it is not as often. A couple of them are not so great at the lapping but will take it from my fingers, the rest worked it out very quickly. OMG, what a mess 9 puppies make with food!! I can't wait til they can have something more solid. Jazz is very good at cleaning up after though :)

They are changing so quickly - they can hear now, are mobile and playing, their teeth are coming through and they are starting to get fluffy. They will be 3 weeks tomorrow.

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Looking lovely Skyehaven.

My guys are 3.5 weeks and had some outside adventures over the weekend. They were not so keen but by their third trip out today they were starting to explore and play. It certainly started to show who the more confident pups were. They are going well with some solids of an evening before bed time and today had a littl bit at lunch time as well. Jazz is increasingly less keen to feed now that their are 9 hungry mouthes with sharp teeth and they can barely fit at the milk bar anyway.

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well mine are 5 weeks today and they are all so heavy!! biggest pup is 3.7kg lightest 2.9kg. They are all wonderfully confident. they have time outside when I am home, if it's not too cold, but the last couple of days of cold afternoons and this morning with rain means they havent been outside for a few days, but I do let them have run of the main area of the house and they like to chase around our visitng Irish Setter friend who is half way between wanting to play with them and wanting to get away from them!

Ari is pretty much refusing to feed them now, as planned, but I do get her to do a top up at night after their late meal so that they sleep through the night. Ari hopped in the box and fed them volentarily this morning I think it was just to shut them up. They are so noisy!!

Crate training with a couple of pups starts this week... :eek: they grow up so fast!

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well mine are 5 weeks today and they are all so heavy!! biggest pup is 3.7kg lightest 2.9kg. They are all wonderfully confident. they have time outside when I am home, if it's not too cold, but the last couple of days of cold afternoons and this morning with rain means they havent been outside for a few days, but I do let them have run of the main area of the house and they like to chase around our visitng Irish Setter friend who is half way between wanting to play with them and wanting to get away from them!

Ari is pretty much refusing to feed them now, as planned, but I do get her to do a top up at night after their late meal so that they sleep through the night. Ari hopped in the box and fed them volentarily this morning I think it was just to shut them up. They are so noisy!!

Crate training with a couple of pups starts this week... :eek: they grow up so fast!

they sound like whoppers! Mine are 3 weeks old today, Mum is nearly over them already, mainly feeding them at night and maybe once or twice during day, I will start them on food tomorrow I think.

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Well I think Jazz is nearly dried up. We made it to 4 weeks with just a bit of solids at night from 3 weeks for my sanity so I could sleep. The last day or 2 though she is not keen to go in there, her boobs are quite "deflated" and they are quite whingy. So I have upped them to 2 meals per day and they are a bit happier with that, it has seen the end of Jazz doing all of the clean up though. She still gets some,, just not all. But then 9 puppies is a lot of cleaning!!

The little buggers worked out how to escape the room this evening so it is time to rearrange their room again. I think I will start them outside during the day next week as I don't think Jazz is feeding them anymore anyway and they really need more room to run and explore.

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I am lucky - 90% of wee and poo occurs in the area I designated for it :) And outside they mostly stay on the concrete but have notived they walk off onto the dirt to go. Not sure how you go with older pups but I noticed by 3 weeks that it was 1 corner of the whelping box they were going in so I placed a square of cheap astro turf there. left it there for a week and then placed it just outside the box with a cheap pee mat (got them from a cheap shop and they are good for the price at absorbing lots) and I put newspaper down at that point over almost all of the area outside of the box. Within a few days they were barely going in the box at all, motly on the pee mat and the rest on the new newspaper. Each time I cleaned the room I put a bit less paper down, starting at the side opposite to the whelping box. Now we have more than half the floor without paper and 2 small astro turf mats with pee pads under them. The whelping box is consistantly dry, they toilet mostly on the mats or the paper immediately surrounding them (! poo just off the paper today) and they do not play and walk through it. I modified a house training plan I read on a webpage that someone posted here. The way they have picked it up has been fantastic.

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Piper your method sounds great. I probably should have done something like that... in saying that they have finally started pooing on the one spot in the corner wehre the newspaper is, but they are still weeing anywhere they see fit... it's on the hard floor all the time and it's like a slip and slide in t here whenever i go in there! a few of them are getting it though so hopefully the others will follow suit. Things have improved since i removed more of the newspaper though.

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