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Time For A Lens!


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So I've had a bit of extra money come my way and I've been given permission by OH to 'get something fun' - so I couldn't think of anything more fun that to buy a new Lens!! :(

I've got a bit of a collection of Primes - 30mm, 50mm 85mm (and would like to eventually add the 100mm macro, but am content at the moment)

But I would like to add an L zoom..

I'm tossing up between the Canon 24-70 2.8 and the 24-105 4

I know I know.. the topic has been done to death. I am shooting from a 1.6x crop (canon 450D) and I realise that I'm not going to be getting true focal length, but I feel like the 24mm will probably be wide enough for me. I am buying as if I have a FF body as I will be upgrading in maybe 18 months time.

No matter how much I read on the discussion of these lenses of which to get I can't reach a decision.. last week I was convinced I was getting the 24-70 but now after talking to a pro friend last night they have strongly reccommended the 24-105 as my travelling buddy.

I am travelling next year for 6 months backpacking.. (hence why I don't want to upgrade from the 450D until after I get back).

I want a great portrait lens - which makes me lean to the 24-70 for better bokeh. Downside is that it's a heavier lens to travel with. I do tend to shoot in low light conditions which is why I'm leaning to the f.28 rather that the f4. I like the extra reach on the 24-105 though.. I also like that it has IS.

I'm tossing up wether to buy the 24-70 now and see how I like it. If in 10 months time I decide I DO need the extra focal length then sell that lens and purchase the 24-105mm - then chuck in a couple of my primes for the low light conditions.

How easily could I sell the 24-70mm second hand?

arrghhh!!! I suck at making decisions!!!


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Yeah thanks KJA - I have been pining for the 24-70 for ages and feel like it would be such an awesome lens to have, but I don't think I would want both.. It feels like travel is so far away yet still (12 months) and that I should get the lens I really want rather than for travel next year.. hmm..

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sorry to answert your' what else do you shoot' q... I basically shoot alot of kids and newborns, I've had a few people ask me lately to come and take photos of their kids for them.

Photos of the dogs

Street photos

macro photos

I don't seem all that good at a good landscape which is something I want to work on..

Ideally I would like a really kick butt portrait lens.. super sharp. My 85mm prime is probably the sharpest I have at the moment.

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