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Going Nuts Over Health Guarantee


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Literally :confused:

The person is adamant that the vet has told them that the puppy has retained some baby teeth because he was desexed early

Therefore it is my responsibility as the breeder under my genetic health guarantee to pay for removal. :o

I did spend some time pondering this amazing new information & trying to get my head around the connection between testicles & teeth. :laugh: or :D Both I think.

After a few phone calls it was sorted out that the person had probably got confused maybe by the vet saying that retained baby teeth are often removed when puppy is desexed at 5 or 6 months old. Maybe :wave:

I have left it to their vet to explain when they take puppy in that this just happens sometimes, as I can not.

It is not even making any sense.

My health guarantee is good & very fair for the buyer.

No more written health guarantee in future after this. I can't believe how totally frustrated I feel in trying to explain.

This is the first time I have ever had to deal with a problem. I can't believe how annoying it is. :)

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