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I'm Exhausted

Snout Girl

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Since Saturday OH and I have encountered wandering around the neighbourhood:

2 boxers- tried for almost an hour in vain to get them to no avail

whilst we were searching for the boxers we came across:

a border collie (we followed it back to its house- quite some distance away- and alerted the owners it was out. it wouldnt approach us, too timid)

a lovely male staffy in the gutter with cars flying past him :confused: got him in the car, took him to vet. thought he had been hit as he had blood on him. turns out he suffers from ecema- he was reunited with his owner the next day.

a baby kitten also in the gutter :laugh: handed to a rescue that was taking to vet to be scanned. so little I doubt it would of made it :o

a husky following a lady walking her two dogs- that had a collar with address so home it went, no thanks from owner

a chihuahua (sp) x, he was so frightened we couldnt get near him

and just tonight, two gorgeous little dogs, a cavalier x and a black heinz dog. followed us on our walk for an hour. bought them home, gave a drink. tried door knocking, people were saying they had been out all day :D back to emergency vet, waiting to hear if they have contacted the owners

I dont know if its just my area but everywhere we go there is another loose dog, usually dodging cars on a main road. OH and I seem to be the only ones who stop :)

Please everyone, check your fences, gates etc.

Maybe there is something in the water here :wave:

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Its not just you - it seems to be catching.........I am so tired of constantly running into off lead, out of their yard dogs that I see myself less and less often walking down the street with my own dogs. Its just too dangerous, I come home anxious and upset after being chased, barked at, herded.......I am so over it!

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I was wondering what I would do if I found an injured dog by the road that was too big for me to lift, even if it was willing to let me. And what I would do if I didn't have a car, ie was walking my dog.

I've tried to catch a couple of the local strays, with no success, they seem to know that being caught by not their boss is a bad thing. Others I've caught in my yard and called the council who have found the owners or collected the dog. But I couldn't do that with an injured dog.

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I have also been seeing more and more loose dogs. Yesterday was unbelievable, I was driving down a main street and there was a Pomerainian who is always out, I see him every few weeks. Well he was mounted onto another small dog, they were going for it like anything.

Then people wonder how their dog gets pregnant 'accidentally'.

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sount-girl I'm starting to think you live near me!

I tried to help two boxers on the weekend but they got away by the time I could pull over safely. They were pretty smart though and waited at the lights until the walk signal came on!

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Welcome to my world. I am an animal management officer.

Wandering dogs, wandering cats. Unregistered dogs, unregistered cats. People who believe they only need to lock up their cats at night. People who believe that keeping the dog inside they do not have to register it or think that its constant barking will upset the neighbour because it would be muffled by the house.

Don't need to desex their animal. It is quite ok to let it wander, come back pregnant and sell the puppies afterwards. Breeding is part of life and the need for their children to see the "miracle of birth"

Unwanted (not registered or microchipped) dogs/cats are only kept for three days........

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