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First Season


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I have a 10 month old bitch who I thought was coming into season for the first time.

She started to swell and I was expecting her to start bleeding but about a week after the swelling started, it's like she went back out of season. :laugh:

It's been 3 weeks since she first started swelling.

Her vulva didn't swell as much as I'd expect for an in season bitch so I don't think she had a silent season.

Also, my boy was tasting her urine for the first week but then stopped showing interest

(they are kept apart but get swapped around for exercise).

Has anyone had this happen?

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Yep - a lot of mine do this on their first and sometimes even second heat, then come in properly about 5-6 weeks after you already thought they did.

Thanks for the reply.

Good to hear it's nothing unusual.

What's the bet she's right in for the Sydney Royal... that'll be fun

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3woofs my bitch always comes in at the most inconvenient times - Murphy's law!!

She has so far come in for Perth Royal (twice) and was a couple of weeks early for one season, and was DEAD ON ready to go, the weekend of our national (luckily dogs and bitches were on different days)

oops forgot to answer the original question - yep this has happened to me with my girl - first two seasons she kind of looked as if she was coming in then came in properly about 3-4 weeks later.

Edited by SparkyTansy
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