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Kidney Failure In A Border Collie


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A few days back our 3 year old female border collie started throwing up and passing blood in her urine.

Blood test at the vet show kidney failure, which she may or may not recover from. They suspect a snake bite.

Does anyone have any experience with a situation like this, and is there any not widely known information that might help?

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With acute renal failure, treatment is aimed at removing the source of the injury to the kidneys where possible, & then supporting the kidneys & allowing the cells to repair themselves. So, that means getting fluids into the dog (but avoiding fluid overload), using diuretics to flush out the kidneys, monitoring how much urine the dog is making, correcting any electrolyte imbalances that develop, etc. Also just supporting the dog with nursing care - food, warmth, rest. Your vet is probably already doing all of that for your dog. :laugh:

I am not aware of any alternative therapies, if that's what you're asking about.

I hope your girl recovers!

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Sorry to hear about your dog, it's very young to have kidney problems as the prognosis isn't usually very easy to deal with.

I'd recommend contacting the All Natural Vets at Russell Lea. Get your vet to fax them the blood tests etc.

I rescued an old dog from the pound and she needed dental work urgnetly but pre op blood tests showed her to be in kidney failure. My vet put her on meds and special diet and said she would only have a few weeks.

I rang the All Natural Vets and they said to get tests sent to them and they hoped to be able to help. They prescribed Chinese herbs and she really became very good on them with the special diet. I had her for 12 months until a stomach virus made her very ill and she was gone after a couple of weeks sadly.

They are at Russell Lea (nr Drummoyne) and do evening and Sat appointments. Do apps by phone if you can't get there. It isnt cheap but it gave this little girl Pippa a happy 12 months during which time she ran around like she was a puppy. I would do it again for any of my dogs.

Edited by dogmad
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Acute kidney failure can happen at any age, it's chronic kidney failure that usually occurs in older dogs.

Well they've ruled out snakebite as the cause as her blood is coagulating properly. So now the cause is a mystery, which to be honest makes it even worse as there are two other dogs in the house. The latest blood tests have shown no improvement, in fact they got a little worse.

She's on a drip permanently and will be for as long as it takes, as she is not in any discomfort just very tired. While on the drip she has an appetite, but not while off it.

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