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Raw Chicken And The Runs? Eww


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Just as a matter of incidence with doggies out there...

How many of your dogs have had doggy runs after eating raw chicken?

My other dog never had this problem., and I am still not 100% sure that this is it for Sally (as she sometimes takes in salt water on swims).

4 other dog owners I have spoken too said raw chicken gives their dogs the runs.

ATM I am sticking to lamb/beef bones instead.

Thanks :hug:

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Nope, can't say I've ever had that problem. Dogs fed mostly/completely on dry food them given chicken including the fatty skin could well have problems due to the fat content - if they were given a fatty lamb bone the same thing would probably happen.

Some dogs are allergic to chicken even though it's usually touted for allergies.

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Nope, can't say I've ever had that problem. Dogs fed mostly/completely on dry food them given chicken including the fatty skin could well have problems due to the fat content - if they were given a fatty lamb bone the same thing would probably happen.

Some dogs are allergic to chicken even though it's usually touted for allergies.

Maybe its an allergy :hug: She only eats a small amount of dry food mixed with meat, and no probs with lamb or beef bones.

Oh well I guess I'll just keep her off it....pity I can't keep her out of the surf too! :)

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Guest english.ivy

Badger went off raw chicken for awhile, and my OH fed it to him about two weeks ago. He was being helpful. I don't feed him raw chicken anymore.

Badger had the runs for about a week after eating it.

He hadn't eaten anything else and he drinks salt water and has never had the runs from the beach so I could only work out that it was the raw chicken.

He just gets beef/lamb/roo off cuts for his RMB and seems fine.

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Just as a matter of incidence with doggies out there...

How many of your dogs have had doggy runs after eating raw chicken?

My other dog never had this problem., and I am still not 100% sure that this is it for Sally (as she sometimes takes in salt water on swims).

4 other dog owners I have spoken too said raw chicken gives their dogs the runs.

ATM I am sticking to lamb/beef bones instead.

Thanks :hug:

Yep raw chix gives my doggy the squirts big time. Sometimes it will also make him vomit, and this isn't for just Raw Chix, if I offer him canned or cooked food with chix sometimes he will vomit it up as well.

So I stopped all chix and no more problems.

I worked it is more of an intolerance than an allergy.

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Guest english.ivy

My Pointer can eat it cooked. So I cook minced chicken frames with puree veggies and sometimes cooked rice, for something a little different.

I'll probably get flamed for cooking his chicken mince but he has to eat and he does well on it. I don't want a Pointer who squirts on raw chicken, really.

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Yes, raw chicken or decent amounts of any raw meat gives Sasha runny poos.

She can eat cooked chicken, or canned items with chicken it in... but not raw.

I've had to take her off all raw meats completely, other than the big bones I give her - but I make sure they only have a little bit of meat on them. But she appears to be able to handle raw beef better than raw chicken.

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My cat often vomits after eating raw chicken, he's fine with cooked or processed chicken.

Dogs & cats can be allergic to or intolerant of chicken, as with any other protein source.

Some dogs & cats also just don't seem to cope with the microbial load on chicken (the concentration of especially salmonella & campylobacter on chicken is typically much higher than on most other meats). I'd personally be very wary feeding raw chicken to any animal with gut or immune system compromise for that reason.

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Penny, Mac and Daisy all have a raw chicken wing each after they have their tea in the evening...no problems in the poo department at all (though if Penny eats hers too fast she will huck it up then eat it again :confused: )

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My cavalier can't eat much chicken (either raw or cooked) otherwise he gets the runs quite badly which is unfortunate because he loves it.

I make his own food - 1/3 cooked mashed vegies, 1/3 raw meat and 1/3 noodles or rice. Of the 1/3 raw meat, most is red meat but I do mix in a little chicken (about 1/4 chicken, 3/4 red meat) and that ratio seems OK.

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