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Quick Worming Question

Guest english.ivy

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Guest english.ivy

I have to worm four dogs, the three boys are over 30kg, I'd say they'd all be over 35.

But my female is around 22kg.

I need to worm all of them but just not sure which product to get which won't cost the earth!

I really only need to worm my two but don't think my OH dogs have been done for awhile and they spend a lot of time together so thought it good idea to do them all. Correct?

What product can I buy that will do all of them?? I can buy online also, which would be cheaper!

Just intestinal worming.

eta - I a dog hasn't had treatment for heartworm in a few years, is it safe to give them this product linky?

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Guest english.ivy

Wow they cover heartworm too!

Sounds perfect and good priced. Thanks.

Is there any harm in giving these to dogs who have probably never been treated for heartworm? My OH has two older [6 and 8 years old] labs, both very healthy and happy who are very chemical free.

They are treated like real man dogs :hug: but loved!

Just want to make sure before I buy them :)

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Wow they cover heartworm too!

Sounds perfect and good priced. Thanks.

Is there any harm in giving these to dogs who have probably never been treated for heartworm? My OH has two older [6 and 8 years old] labs, both very healthy and happy who are very chemical free.

They are treated like real man dogs :hug: but loved!

Just want to make sure before I buy them :)

If I am not mistaken your are supposed to do a heartworm test if the dogs have never been treated before, i could be wrong though??

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Guest english.ivy
Wow they cover heartworm too!

Sounds perfect and good priced. Thanks.

Is there any harm in giving these to dogs who have probably never been treated for heartworm? My OH has two older [6 and 8 years old] labs, both very healthy and happy who are very chemical free.

They are treated like real man dogs :hug: but loved!

Just want to make sure before I buy them :)

If I am not mistaken your are supposed to do a heartworm test if the dogs have never been treated before, i could be wrong though??

Thought that was just if you intend to give them the yearly injection?

Hope someone comes along who knows as I need to buy some tonight!

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Guest english.ivy
english.ivy - it applies to the chews as well. Basically, if you give them the chews and they do have heartworm they can die (something like anaphalactic (sp) shock)

I've been slack and not given my two heartworm for about 5 months, we don't really have mozzies over here so they will be ok to start back up on heartworm chews without a test?

They both have had heartworm chews since pups, just had a busy period in life, ran out of the chews and forgot to buy more :hug:

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Id call a vet in the area, they can tell you if there is a threat of heartworm in that area, if there is you will have to get them tested before starting preventative treatment, if there isnt then dont worry about the interceptor and just give them an all wormer :laugh:

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English Ivy wherever I go in perth lately there seems to be heaps of mozzies so I would check with the vet before starting them on the heartworm again. I dont do mine every 30 days I wait for 45-50 days as most pruducts will cover the dogs for this time ( was told this by a specialist vet).

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Guest english.ivy

Thanks, I'll give the vet a call when I get home today :laugh:

I was doing my two every 6 weeks last year.

eta - I want to get Badgers weight so I'll take him to the new vet and ask then. Introduce myself as I'll probably start going there when we need to.

Then get price for a blood test if the space has been too long, which I doubt it has been too long.

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I think the hazard of giving heartworm treatment without a test first (which is an on-the-spot-test Im sure :laugh: ) is that if there is an infestation of heartworm, they can die which causes blockage problems in veins, arteries and perhaps lungs and heart.......Better to be safe than sorry!! Definitely worth a phonecall just in case :)

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Guest english.ivy

Spoke to the local vet and I remembered they were done about twoish months ago and she told me it takes 6 months for it to turn into heart worm and become harmful. So I'm to start them back up again now and have them tested in 6 months.

She also said that stopping and starting again is really only of concern with the daily heart worm medications. Which my two have never had.

The one I've had them on Ivemectin is fine. Also she hasn't seen a case of heart worm around here for awhile as so many people treat their dogs for it.

Off I go to spend money!

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Good to EI :laugh: My two get a yearly needle...Havent had any dramas as yet, and my vet is pretty onto that sort of thing (probsl with the vacc that is), so will continue with that..Used to give the monthly chews, but was always forgetting them!!

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