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Newbie To The Showring


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Yep...sure am !!!
Nothing to add but I'm hazzarding a guess you're a Gilmore Girls fan :grouphug:

slightly off track here :laugh: I'm glad there is another Gilmore Girls fan, I have the whole series on Dvd,

I will be at Pakenham on sat with 3 of ours

Another 2 fans :D

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Hi all, hoping that some experienced showies can help me out. I'm going to be starting out with my baby puppy boxer this year and just wondering if someone can give me the order in which things run, with classes etc and if she wins, where to go from there etc, etc..... I did show beagles many, many years ago, but have been concentrating on my horse show team for 10 years now, so a bit rusty !! Any help would be appreciated

Also would like to know what sort of lead I should use, i have a white nylon puppy slip lead i'm using for training at the moment, but what do i need for the ring

Can't wait to get out there, she is a very special girl !!!

Thanks in Advance for any help and advice

Leigh Cogley conducts Show training classes at the Kcc park on thursday nights, she is great, the classes start about 7.30pm in the Pavillon, oh dont forget your pooch, lead, treats & 11 bucks

Also Ashley Reid at Clyde, he does have boxers along with other breeds himself, details here: www.showclasses.com.au

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Hi all, hoping that some experienced showies can help me out. I'm going to be starting out with my baby puppy boxer this year and just wondering if someone can give me the order in which things run, with classes etc and if she wins, where to go from there etc, etc..... I did show beagles many, many years ago, but have been concentrating on my horse show team for 10 years now, so a bit rusty !! Any help would be appreciated

Also would like to know what sort of lead I should use, i have a white nylon puppy slip lead i'm using for training at the moment, but what do i need for the ring

Can't wait to get out there, she is a very special girl !!!

Thanks in Advance for any help and advice

Wheres the breeder of your boxer? They are the best ones to help as they are already doing it and you can go to shows with them etc.

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Unfortunately the breeder is in NSW and i'm in VIC otherwise i would definitely be tagging along !!!

Have shown horses all over the world, usa and sth america, so experienced with presentation etc, confident with the training and presentation, grooming etc, more the actual running of classes, order of classes, how the challenge works etc...

Thanks for the advice though !!

Hi all, hoping that some experienced showies can help me out. I'm going to be starting out with my baby puppy boxer this year and just wondering if someone can give me the order in which things run, with classes etc and if she wins, where to go from there etc, etc..... I did show beagles many, many years ago, but have been concentrating on my horse show team for 10 years now, so a bit rusty !! Any help would be appreciated

Also would like to know what sort of lead I should use, i have a white nylon puppy slip lead i'm using for training at the moment, but what do i need for the ring

Can't wait to get out there, she is a very special girl !!!

Thanks in Advance for any help and advice

Wheres the breeder of your boxer? They are the best ones to help as they are already doing it and you can go to shows with them etc.

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:bolt: to DOL and Group 6 in Vic SH :(

I will be at the Canine Museum Show, you are more than welcome to come and hang out with us, but warned that I know nothing about Boxers :love: :D

Ashley and Lee are both fantastic :laugh: Ash is a bit exxy but worth every single cent!

If your puppy is three months old there is a Utility Club Members Comp a KCC Park at 10am on Saturday morning, entry I think is $2 on the day.

You don't have to worry about the challenge until your puppy is over 6 months old. At the moment you will enter your baby class, if you win that you will run off against the other baby puppy for puppy of breed, if you then win that you will run off against all the other baby puppies for puppy in group.

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Think you can't do it in Qld Erin. Could be wrong as I've never actually looked in to it.

Yep, if it's beaten in one class even if it wins every other class it's entered it can't compete for the CC.

Quite common to enter multiple classes in the UK, but woooo the cost!!!!!

I guess that would explain why I haven't seen it.

I know!! I've just entered Abby into the NSW beagle specialties and she's one dog... entered in one class and two properties! Ouch :bolt:

Property classes are usually held after all of normal classes, the challenges and bob/rubob and class run offs at specialities and aren't classed as normal classes (eg the winner of say best head isn't eligible to compete for the challenge) :laugh:

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Fantastic, was planning on coming to that too, unfortunately due to getting my puppy late etc i didnt get my entries in on time...bugger

I will try to come and watch anyway, so will come on buy and see if i can find you

Thanks again for entry form and all your help !!

See you there

Take care

:bolt: to DOL and Group 6 in Vic SH :(

I will be at the Canine Museum Show, you are more than welcome to come and hang out with us, but warned that I know nothing about Boxers :love: :D

Ashley and Lee are both fantastic :laugh: Ash is a bit exxy but worth every single cent!

If your puppy is three months old there is a Utility Club Members Comp a KCC Park at 10am on Saturday morning, entry I think is $2 on the day.

You don't have to worry about the challenge until your puppy is over 6 months old. At the moment you will enter your baby class, if you win that you will run off against the other baby puppy for puppy of breed, if you then win that you will run off against all the other baby puppies for puppy in group.

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Canine Museum or Utility Dog Club members comp??

The Utility Dog Club will be taking entries on the day!!

So turn up at about 9.30 and they should have someone set up by the entrance to the ring to take your entry :laugh:

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Canine museum show, as there is an open show in the afternoon run by the boxer club, but i didnt get my entry in for that either !!!

Where is a schedule for the Ultility club??

Was going to go to Bunyip too, as we used to live there...we live 3.5 hrs east of melb, so whenever we go to show its a BIG day !!

thanks again

Canine Museum or Utility Dog Club members comp??

The Utility Dog Club will be taking entries on the day!!

So turn up at about 9.30 and they should have someone set up by the entrance to the ring to take your entry :laugh:

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Hi Starshollow,

I have just moved from Bairnsdale to QLD and used to show at KCC park and (numerous other places) regularly. I tried to atleast once a fortnight and I have Bullmastiffs(and had dobes also) so was in group 6 too :laugh: Shame you didnt get your boxer earlier we could have travelled together and I could have helped you out. Good luck with your first show. You do get used to the travelling and it doesnt seem to take that long once you do, its the early mornings that killed me,lol. Worst part ever!

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Hi Kaffy

I'm used to the travelling, showing horses for 20 years plus and we used to show to go all over the place !! Geelong was my absolute hate !! but we went as far as sydney and tamworth, even did it with a 6 week old baby LOL Nuts !!!

Yes, shame you've moved, i cant wait to meet up with other doggie people !!!

Thanks for your message, stay in touch

Hi Starshollow,

I have just moved from Bairnsdale to QLD and used to show at KCC park and (numerous other places) regularly. I tried to atleast once a fortnight and I have Bullmastiffs(and had dobes also) so was in group 6 too :grouphug: Shame you didnt get your boxer earlier we could have travelled together and I could have helped you out. Good luck with your first show. You do get used to the travelling and it doesnt seem to take that long once you do, its the early mornings that killed me,lol. Worst part ever!

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