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Fence Fighting/barking

Guest Pandii

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Can you give us more information about the fence, and what's on the other side of it and what you've tried so far?

And does it happen when you're home or only when you're out.

When you're home you can distract your dogs (by calling them in happy voice, or using a water pistol aimed nearby), and then giving them treats when they come. Teach them to bark on command and reward for that, then teach them quiet/enough for in between.

Having taught my dog to bark on command - she seems to realise barking's not for wasting.

I keep her locked inside when I'm out.

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can you borrow an electric fence kit from someone? Pity you're far I have a plug in power pack you can use.

Apart from that you can at least get some bamboo canes and twine, make a temp fence at least a meter or more from the normal fence. If you see them going at it just walk out there and squirt them with the hose until they settle then call them back.

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Guest Pandii

Tried the electirc fence, they just ran along the e fence instead

They are doing it when ever the shit of a dog over the back starts, the section of fence is about 3 or 4 meters, pailings.

Can squirt them, they are right up the back of the yard, by the time I find a hose to reach that far and hook it up, the walk up there, they have seen me and have ran to me.

Its not a section of yard I can fence off either.

they were digging under it, so I filled the holse with poop and rocks and that has stopped

Maybe bark collars???

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Im having the same problem although my dogs arent that bad. The neighbours three little dogs, can see through our fence so whenever my dogs leave my patio and go out on the grass their dogs start going nuts. Of course mine then rush over, most of the time they will just stand there and watch the yappers go off, but sometimes mine also start to run the fence and bark back, which then fires up the little yappers even more, and countless times Ive thought one of them was getting mauled cos they make such a racket screaming. If I open the door and call mine they come and it all stops, but 9 times out of 10 mine arent making any noise, just watching through the fence. It annoys me I have to be the one to call my dogs back all the time when they didnt start it and most of the time they dont make a noise. Anyway, in the mean time I put a bark collar on one of my girls, who seems to fire up the easiest and once she barks back, my others follow. It seems to have curbed the barking, but she will then fence run without the noise, which still stirs the little ones up. So Im going to try and cover the fence gaps when I get the money and hopefully that will stop the problem. My dogs are not interested in the other dogs at all until they rush to the fence yapping and Im sure they start yapping because they can see my dogs. Covering it up hopefully fixes that problem :)

Edited by Kaffy Magee
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I was having a problem with fence running/barking when a dog moved into the house behind. I bought some of the garden matting (black woven plastic) and stapled it to the fence from the bottom up. This stopped my dogs from seeing through the palings and calmed down things a lot. Luckily place behind was a rental and the owners & dog moved out.

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Guest Pandii

I have covered a section of the fence and they are not running along that section today.

Will try covering more of it as soon as I can

Can you hire bark collars, its Dusty that starts it then Seb joins in

If the dog over the back didnt start mine wouldnt join in

It barks even if mine are inside :)

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I was having a problem with fence running/barking when a dog moved into the house behind. I bought some of the garden matting (black woven plastic) and stapled it to the fence from the bottom up.

Agree. That's cost effective, too.

Should be enough, but if you ever want to add on keeping the dogs away from the fenceline. Staple the long end of a roll of chicken wire about 18 inches up the fenceline & pull the other long end out along the ground & secure it. Dogs are not keen on walking on chicken wire & even less if it's up hill! (Old trick from country areas to keep foxes away from chook pen walls.)

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My neighbour's dog barks at me and my dog when we're in the back yard. It's not an all the time thing. I think she mostly wants to play and I think if the neighbour brought her over, she'd do it less (cos she'd be knackered and sleep instead). I don't like going to his yard because he doesn't clean up after his dog, smokers, or fruit trees and it's an unhealthy mess.

I am very slowly and sneakily training the neighbour's dog to not bark at me and my dog - by chucking a few treats over the fence when she's quiet. I have already trained my dog not to bark at her, that was pretty easy ie mine responded to the water pistol and being called. But mine doesn't get out there to self-reinforce when I'm not home.

I have also mentioned to my neighbour my strategy for dealing with it, but he tends to join in (from the dog's Point of View), by barking and growling too. He doesn't get it (training an incompatible behaviour with reward).

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