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Weird Dream I Had Last Night


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I just woke up from a really weird dream, my dog Snowy (who's a boy) had puppies that were half golden retriever and half sharpei. I was so confused, not so much because he was a boy as that seemed alright in my dream, but that the puppies were half sharpei as I don't even know any sharpei dogs. The puppies were really cute but I was so worried in my dream about what I was going to do with them as he had 10 puppies and I didn't want to sell them for any money but wanted good homes for them. In my dream I was even worried about saying anything on here because I'm not a breeder plus they were cross breed puppies!

Lucky it was just a dream and my dog is a boy who is getting desexed soon!

When I told my boyfriend about it this morning he said he had a dream last night that I gave him a newfoundland puppy and it was so tiny and its hair looked like an afro and I had tied a ribbon around its afro like a pony tail.

We are weird, hahaha, have any of you guys had weird puppy/dog dreams?

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