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Our New Addition


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As some may know we lost our afghan recently to a possible brain tumour with meningitis symptoms. The house seemed too quiet (even with 3 other dogs) so I decided to adopt a funny little dog we have named Edward or Eddie for short.

He is a hairless crestie and is around 2 years old. He has fitted in well and loves the kids. When he is really happy he spins a couple of circles then scratches the floor and jumps lol. He sleeps under the covers most nights and thinks the other dogs make great cushions.

He is very timid with strangers including our family members when they come to visit, we are working on that. He loves car rides and has been coming to work most days with me and my old poodle, Bella.

Here are a couple of pics, one close up and the others in his jammies ready for bed. He has a rather extensive wardrobe already including numerous t-shirts, hoodies, tracksuits, coats and of course jammies.




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Puppy Sniffer yeah I loved my afghan but couldn't face having another so soon maybe in years to come. We have also got 2 poodles and a little lhasa x silky?

I wanted a dog that was suitable for the kids and one I could dress up LOL. I have been interested in them for quite a while but my OH always said no because he thought they were creepy.

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I fostered a cc a couple of years ago. He was divine and was adopted by a great lady.

By the way Tommy the toy poodle I adopted off you is going well. Love him to pieces. He and Leo have become great mates and he is like Leo's little shadow. Charley well being a bitch she hates both the boys at times. Tommy takes it all in his stride. He has finally learned to eat out of his own bowl too these days. Took a long time though. And he is pretty well housetrained, though he can't hang on if we go out so he has a belly band or three on then.

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