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Wont Lead Train


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Help, my 16wk old standard poodle pup will not walk on a lead, she just digs her bum into the ground and then I'm just dragging her!! I've tried treats but she is too stressed to eat, she just shuts down. We have some success when walking with my other two dogs but it is still a case of her shutting down every time she gets behind. It's got to the point where she starts throwing up now when we try to lead her. I know its not the collar choking her as she starts gagging before we put pressure on. I have tried a slip lead and a flat collar and there is no difference. Help this is keeping me up at night trying to work out a way to make it a pleasant experience for her as at the moment its horrible.

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Help, my 16wk old standard poodle pup will not walk on a lead, she just digs her bum into the ground and then I'm just dragging her!! I've tried treats but she is too stressed to eat, she just shuts down. We have some success when walking with my other two dogs but it is still a case of her shutting down every time she gets behind. It's got to the point where she starts throwing up now when we try to lead her. I know its not the collar choking her as she starts gagging before we put pressure on. I have tried a slip lead and a flat collar and there is no difference. Help this is keeping me up at night trying to work out a way to make it a pleasant experience for her as at the moment its horrible.

Patience. That's the first thing. Second thing is never drag a puppy on a lead - it won't make them come with you, just resist more.

You now have a slight problem in that your puppy associates a) the lead with negative experiences and b) going outside on a lead with negative experiences. Given that she is 16weeks, its probably combined with a fear period as well.

What I would do is, while giving her lots of praise and treats, put her collar and lead on her at home. Don't go out, just put on the lead and collar, and let her walk around for periods of 5mins, then 10, then 15min etc with it on until she is comfortable with it. Don't lead her around the house at first, just let her wear it. When she gets comfortable, gently take the lead in your hand and with treats, encourage her to walk with you, or towards you (if you hold the lead and stand in front of her). NEVER pull - a gentle 'tap' with the lead and lots of encouragement - and even if she takes one step forward, lots of praise and a reward. You will need to be calm and positive, and if you feel yourself getting frustrated, leave it for a bit.

As for walks, when she is ok with the collar and lead on in the house, see if you can get her to go out the front door (quite literally, even just past the first steps). Again, encouragement with gentle 'tapping' with the lead - don't pull - and positive encouragement. Once she is ok with that, get to the gate or the driveway, and then a bit further later on - small steps, and be consistent. Reward positive steps and don't scold - that will not help.

One other thing to look at is if you know of another dog that really enjoys walks - if you can walk your puppy with the other dog later on, they tend to pick up on the excitement and enjoyment of the other dog, but make sure it isn't too over the top or you may have fun trying to control the walk! (have someone walk the dogs with you - one dog per person) :laugh:

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I actually put the lead on my 10 week old puppy for the first time a couple of days ago. I didn't 'lead' him at all, just let him wear it and drag it behind him while he was having a little play with another (calm adult) dog. Then this morning I took my other dog for a short walk and carried the puppy with his lead on again. When we got close to home, I popped him down with my other dog and he walked on lead like a little champion :laugh:

So what LM says is a good idea :rofl: Make it fun, have patience and reward, reward, reward.

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Help, my 16wk old standard poodle pup will not walk on a lead, she just digs her bum into the ground and then I'm just dragging her!! I've tried treats but she is too stressed to eat, she just shuts down. We have some success when walking with my other two dogs but it is still a case of her shutting down every time she gets behind. It's got to the point where she starts throwing up now when we try to lead her. I know its not the collar choking her as she starts gagging before we put pressure on. I have tried a slip lead and a flat collar and there is no difference. Help this is keeping me up at night trying to work out a way to make it a pleasant experience for her as at the moment its horrible.

Patience. That's the first thing. Second thing is never drag a puppy on a lead - it won't make them come with you, just resist more.

You now have a slight problem in that your puppy associates a) the lead with negative experiences and b) going outside on a lead with negative experiences. Given that she is 16weeks, its probably combined with a fear period as well.

What I would do is, while giving her lots of praise and treats, put her collar and lead on her at home. Don't go out, just put on the lead and collar, and let her walk around for periods of 5mins, then 10, then 15min etc with it on until she is comfortable with it. Don't lead her around the house at first, just let her wear it. When she gets comfortable, gently take the lead in your hand and with treats, encourage her to walk with you, or towards you (if you hold the lead and stand in front of her). NEVER pull - a gentle 'tap' with the lead and lots of encouragement - and even if she takes one step forward, lots of praise and a reward. You will need to be calm and positive, and if you feel yourself getting frustrated, leave it for a bit.

As for walks, when she is ok with the collar and lead on in the house, see if you can get her to go out the front door (quite literally, even just past the first steps). Again, encouragement with gentle 'tapping' with the lead - don't pull - and positive encouragement. Once she is ok with that, get to the gate or the driveway, and then a bit further later on - small steps, and be consistent. Reward positive steps and don't scold - that will not help.

One other thing to look at is if you know of another dog that really enjoys walks - if you can walk your puppy with the other dog later on, they tend to pick up on the excitement and enjoyment of the other dog, but make sure it isn't too over the top or you may have fun trying to control the walk! (have someone walk the dogs with you - one dog per person) :laugh:

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Thanks heaps for your help, I was getting frustrated and having to walk away but I haven't ever scolded her whilst on the lead, I have put her lead on and letting her wear it around house, I tried treats this morning before her breakfast and hunger seemed to override her fear and we got a few steps yah!!! Once again many thanks and will let you know how we progress. :laugh:

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how is she going??? poor baby must have had a bad experience along the line to mkae her such a worry wart, at to a small puppy ina fear period lots of things are extremely scary! hope she is progressing :eat: if she seems to make progress but not a great deal i would second going to a trainer, even better ask the trainer at ur puppy school /group... if u arnt going to one take her but she will need to do this after she is used to the lead and collar being warn as a minium and carry her in...but when u book her in call and let them know ur situation adn ask them for advice in regards to wearing the collar at the group

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tie a little piece of string to her lead. Let her drag it around (supervised of course). Repeat until she doesn't even notice it. Then make it slightly bigger etc. until she is draggint the leash behind her. Then, and only then, pick it up for a second, take one step. Praise, treat. Repeat.

Do this for as long as it takes. You might take weeks to get her to the point where you can pick up the lead. Be patient. It isn't a race :rofl: .

I did this with a rescue who was absolutely petrified of the leash. She is now a happy little walker.

ETA: You might not have thought that you scolded the puppy, but dogs are experts at reading body language. A slight slump of the sholders, squinting eyes etc can count as a major telling off from a sensitive dog.

ETA ETA: Just read the vomiting bit. See a vet, contact the breeder.

Edited by megan_
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Hi All

Kenya is going well, havent mastered the lead yet, slowly, slowly but she is happy enough dragging lead around and going for small walks around the yard. Cant put any pressure on the lead when standing in front of her because she still gags (even though pressure is on back of neck) but if you are behind her it doesn't bother her at all (with pressure on front of throat), so isn't a physical problem, have taken her to the vet and he has confirmed this. Just working with her every day, she will get there eventually, I'm not in a rush because we are fortunate to be able to walk our dogs off leash in a very safe part of the beach away from roads and other dogs. She will eventually come to the obedience club with me so hopefully one day we are leash trained :rofl:

Thanks again for everyones advice, very helpful

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