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Shampoo For Golden Retriever


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I just brought the cheap stuff our dog lavendar and tree tree shampoo to try on Shelley. After her bath when she is a bit damp i then spray her with doggy spray. Its been about a month since Shelleys last bath and she still smells of the spray. I do try and brush Shelley every couple of days. Shelley also does alot of swimming in the channel and river. I've heard to really give them a good wash is luke warm water with dawn deteregent pour the dawn deteregent in a bucket fill with luke warm water then pour it over the dog, then put the shampoo your going to use on the dog rub it in throughlymaking sure you get down into the skin. Then rinse throughly. If you want to get rid of doggy smell try adding some bi carb soda to the dawn deteregent.

What i do with Shelley is i do the luke warm water and dish deteregent,then i put the shampoo and rub it in throughly i make sure i do a good job eg i use about half a 250ml bottle. I then rub it in eg i will stand there for 10 minutes rubbing it in making sure it gets right down to the skin. I then rinse her throughly, Then towel dry,then spray her with colone and rub her with the towel again. Then when she is dry I brush her again.

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Guest Clover

Fidos puppy and kitten shampoo. It is soap free and smells realy good. I dont wash my guys very often at all, usually only if we are goign away somewhere :thumbsup:.

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I've heard to really give them a good wash is luke warm water with dawn deteregent pour the dawn deteregent in a bucket fill with luke warm water then pour it over the dog, then put the shampoo your going to use on the dog rub it in throughlymaking sure you get down into the skin. Then rinse throughly. If you want to get rid of doggy smell try adding some bi carb soda to the dawn deteregent.

Dish washing detergent? I think shampoos are bad enough, but I'd imagine dish washing detergent would be very stripping in so far as skin oil and pH levels are concerned? And then to follow up with more shampoo? I'm sorry - but that sounds really harsh to me.

A tip I read of many years ago was that the more a shampoo froths, the more chemical/detergent there is in it.

My boy dips in the lake down at the park we go to now and again. The water isn't great and I normally give him a good rinse with warm water from the hose I have set up outside, once we get home. Admittedly my boy is short coated, but he hasn't had a bath for 2 years - only the occasional water rinse and the occasional full body wash using Calendula tea when he's had skin issues. The latter really freshens him up and has his coat and skin feeling soft and clean.

Remember that the more we shampoo the more we send our dog's skin pH balance into a swing. We strip it, the dog smells better, but to counter what we've done and in an attempt to bring it back to balance the body goes into overdrive to try to correct the skin pH again. And this results in it going the other way. And then the dog smells and so we shampoo it again.

Edited by Erny
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I use plush puppy for Lexi, and Ive got the coat conditioner too, makes her smell sooo pretty and her tail is much easier to brush

Im like GR though, my girls hardly need washing now that they are on a proper diet, they dont get that doggy smell

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I just brought the cheap stuff our dog lavendar and tree tree shampoo to try on Shelley. After her bath when she is a bit damp i then spray her with doggy spray. Its been about a month since Shelleys last bath and she still smells of the spray. I do try and brush Shelley every couple of days. Shelley also does alot of swimming in the channel and river. I've heard to really give them a good wash is luke warm water with dawn deteregent pour the dawn deteregent in a bucket fill with luke warm water then pour it over the dog, then put the shampoo your going to use on the dog rub it in throughlymaking sure you get down into the skin. Then rinse throughly. If you want to get rid of doggy smell try adding some bi carb soda to the dawn deteregent.

What i do with Shelley is i do the luke warm water and dish deteregent,then i put the shampoo and rub it in throughly i make sure i do a good job eg i use about half a 250ml bottle. I then rub it in eg i will stand there for 10 minutes rubbing it in making sure it gets right down to the skin. I then rinse her throughly, Then towel dry,then spray her with colone and rub her with the towel again. Then when she is dry I brush her again.

Honestly that sounds too much to me

Using that much soap will only strip all her natural oils, you dont want to do that they are good I also wouldnt be using dish washing detergent on her, I dont know who would have suggested that but I think its a load of BS, all you have do do is look at the effect it has on your hands after washing the dishes, thats why you are supposed to use gloves, so you dont get a lot of skin contact from the stuff. You might find that if you buy a better quality shampoo (like Aloveen) then you wont need as much. the plush puppy I use doesnt 'soap up' very much so it does take a bit of getting used to, but it does the same job, and you are using less soap on their skin

Edited by GoldenGirl85
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Every couple of months I take my goldie to a guy in centennial park to wash and BLOW DRY! Best 25 bucks I have ever spent. :)

His shampoo etc is apparently all natural and she smells lovely. Plus, did I mention he BLOW DRIES her? :o

That blow drying saves my sanity.

If I am desperate and cant get to him I use Aloveen.

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They have a leave in conditioner, so in between baths you can brush a little bit through the dog's coat and it makes them smell really nice. My dog is a guide/assistance dog so she can't have a doggy smell, and I've found the conditioner works really good for that. She gets bathed every couple of weeks and I use the conditioner once in between if she needs it.

But as others have said, for a pet, I would bath the dog as little as possible (unless it's a flea/tick rinse that's needed.) Use a damp cloth to clean muddy paws, face, around ears etc between baths when needed, and brush the dog. :smurfanim:

Edited by Baby Dragon
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  • 2 weeks later...
What i do with Shelley is i do the luke warm water and dish deteregent,then i put the shampoo and rub it in throughly i make sure i do a good job eg i use about half a 250ml bottle. I then rub it in eg i will stand there for 10 minutes rubbing it in making sure it gets right down to the skin. I then rinse her throughly, Then towel dry,then spray her with colone and rub her with the towel again. Then when she is dry I brush her again.

Sh.t how big is your dog!! omg thats enough to wash your dog for a year almost haha

Anyway i use about a 50 cent piece worth of aloveen on my kelpie's double coat, leave it on for a few minutes not the suggested 10 minutes, rinse it off, then follow up with a quick bio groom cond.. for a few seconds then rinse it off aswell. and if they go for a swim in the ocean/pool/lake they justs gets rinsed off straight away. They rarley get blow dried unless we go to the groomers DIY wash n dry, as the heat dries out the skin, but i will normally dry around her tail and spine and leave the rest to dry naturally. if i notice my dogs coat is looking filthy covered in mud, and dirt they will get a full bath and good towel dry then just to get dirty again :laugh:

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