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Some Good And Bad News...depending On How You See It


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Of course this means I get to keep her! I'm very happy about this but also a little sad she won't be able to be a guide dog and help someone else (though there was no guarantee she would have passed all the training and other health tests).

I am looking forward to being able to possibly compete in some dog sports with her though. I also want her to become a delta therapy dog, our obedience teacher thinks she would be good, though I'm not sure if her allergies would exclude her?

I suppose the next step will be to take her to see a derm specialist and identify what her allergies are exactly.

I don't want to sound horrible but are you sure you want to keep an allergic dog? Owning one with severe allergic skin disease is expensive and an emotional journey, the dogs do suffer and the ones that have no choice but to live on medication don't always have the most awesome times....competing in performance sports can be done but if the dog has a flare up which they often do you can be waiting months for them to recover sometimes....their mental state isn't always the best either when they feel absolute crap due to their condition.

If you do decide to kudos to you :) Get in to see the Derm asap :)

I'm a vet student and I've seen lots of allergy dogs during my time as a vet nurse. I wouldn't say Mindy's allergies are severe (yet). They are seasonal and can be managed with antihistamines and occasional antibiotics if there is secondary infection. She hasn't been on any meds for around a month now and has had no infections or severe itchiness, even though it is still quite hot.

Guide dogs thinks that her allergies are probably seasonal and will require some management but they aren't really that severe (she's never even had a hot spot). Its just that they can't really afford to train any dog that may have a medical issue as the dogs are meant to be looking after the clients, not the other way round!

Of course, i will be taking her to see a specialist to determine what allergies she has and how severe they may be, but i think if I (as a vet student and future vet) can't manage her allergies, then it would be pretty tough to ask someone else to take her on.

You will manage her condition just fine, you will see when you go see the derm you will have heaps to do and give etc but it all falls into place and works out.

I do a bit of obedience with my allergy dog, it is tough but it can be done!!

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Congratulations (?) :)

What dogsports & activities are you going to do with her, Aussielover?

Hopefully agility when she gets older. I think retrieving would be fun as well.

I'm also interested in SAR as well, but I'm not sure she is the right dog for this (she is probably too old already!!) and if this is the right time for me to be doing it as i know its a massive commitment- i'm in my fourth year of uni this year, starting rotations next year.

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Congratulations (?) :)

What dogsports & activities are you going to do with her, Aussielover?

Hopefully agility when she gets older. I think retrieving would be fun as well.

I'm also interested in SAR as well, but I'm not sure she is the right dog for this (she is probably too old already!!) and if this is the right time for me to be doing it as i know its a massive commitment- i'm in my fourth year of uni this year, starting rotations next year.

I do believe I saw you today- also in fourth year and only just made the connection!! I am the one on crutches :o

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