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Arthritis Prevention Products...


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Don't know too much about it nor how true the good effects are, but Coconut Oil is something that I'm using with my dog at the moment. Coconut Oil apparently does so much, is good for helping so many things (including irritable bowel; arthritis). I can't attest to it as I've only had my dog on it for about a week and my purpose is to try to soothe and protect a sensitive stomach and/or irritated bowel. It might be something that you might like to at least look into and do some research on. I'm also taking it myself and I must admit that there has been less stiffness than there has been, but it's early days for me too.

Just passing this on for anyone's interest, not as a recommendation (yet). Just don't know enough to be able to confidently affirm the results for my dog nor myself at this stage, but things aren't looking too bad atm.

If you do choose to try it after having researched, only use virgin - unrefined - organic Coconut Oil. I got mine from my local and favourite health food shop.

ETA: I think it is Oakway who has a fair amount of knowledge about natural remedies and may be able to comment on its use.

Edited by Erny
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