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So my little baby girl just started her first season last night :rofl: Kind of really unexpected, her coming in this early as she is only 7.5 months, she just seems too young.....so I am slightly thrown out of whack :)

Just a few questions as it's my first time having a bitch and one in season at that!!

Do you allow her around desexed males? What about ones with a suprelorin injection?

She is keeping herself pretty clean but is there something she can wear around the house so the blood doesn't drip? Non-doggy friends suggested cloth nappies and that will do I guess in a pinch but is there something for this?

Thanks :shrug:

I am sure I will have more questions later on, if I can't find them in my breeding books :o

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tollersowned I keep my bitch with a desexed male and they are fine. He was entire until the age of 5 but doesn't bother with her (he was never mated though). I don't know about dogs with the superlorin injection.

You can get your bitch some pants I bought mine from better pets and gardens but I've seen them in a few places. it has an insert where you can put a liner in. You can buy the liners as well but I just buy ordinary panty liners from the supermarket. In the past, we also used a regular pair of underwear with a hole cut for the tail with a panty liner stuck in there. depending on your bitch this might suffice (if you think she'd be bothered by it the bitch pants might work better).

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Cool, good idea about the undies, might try that till I get a proper pair tomorrow.

She is currently with my desexed male only as he was done about 5 years ago and was never mated either, plus even at shows he doesn't really notice bitches in season. I've seperated my suprelorin boy for now when I am not supervising but he isn't showing any real interest when together, will see what others say :shrug:

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I did try undewear with pads but found they manage to get them off.

I just cover the furniture, etc and wipe up drops after her on the floor. If they do a good job keeping themselves clean it doesn't seem too bad. I soak everything later in cold water then napisan overnight.

My male beagle had the 12 month superloin implant (which lasted 2 years :hug:). He had no interest in my bitch and his testicles had shrunk up to about a third of their normal size.

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I have sewn up some scrap fabric - basically double fold, hole for the tail and ties at the side and I use panty liners in those. Saves a lot of cleaning up and my bitches are quite happy with the arrangement.

My boy had superloin which took 2 years to wear off and he showed no interest whatsover. I decided to have him neutered and the next time I had a bitch in season he lost his virginity under the lemon tree :hug:

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I have used cheap baby track suit pants - best and less is best place to buy them cheaply - sometimes have to roll up the legs - cut a tail hole in them - they stay on quite well with the longer legs - have found though once they have had a couple of seasons they usually keep themspeves very clean - the first one may not though. You can put a panty pad in as well but if if you have a few just change and wash. Found those sling things were useless all they wanted to do was chew them up.

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Thanks for the replies.

She is keeping herself clean fairly well, it's mainly for when she sleeps at night as she is usually on my bed :confused: So might give the underwear and pads idea a go :laugh:

My boy had the injection just under a month ago, but his testicals haven't shrunk much if any. Though from what I've read it may or may not shrink them. I've let them all go back together and if he shows any hightened interest in a few days I will just seperate them again.

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Thanks for the replies.

She is keeping herself clean fairly well, it's mainly for when she sleeps at night as she is usually on my bed :confused: So might give the underwear and pads idea a go :laugh:

My boy had the injection just under a month ago, but his testicals haven't shrunk much if any. Though from what I've read it may or may not shrink them. I've let them all go back together and if he shows any hightened interest in a few days I will just seperate them again.

I just put a few spare sheets and polar fleece throws on top of the bed. :(

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Thanks for the replies.

She is keeping herself clean fairly well, it's mainly for when she sleeps at night as she is usually on my bed :confused: So might give the underwear and pads idea a go :laugh:

Its worth a try - but I've switched to a red coloured doona - doesn't stop it but not so noticeble till its washed - you do anything for the dogs!!!! Found where ever I put the throw rugs on top of the bed they seemed to pick another spot to lay down or moved them - slept for three nights once - while waiting for my girl to have her litter - under a plastic sheet topped with another sheet - but we couldn't stand the noise from the plastic - thank god for automatic washing machines --- and red doonas.

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I've put down an extra "dog" blanket where she usually sleeps but like most nights she ends up sleeping curled up against my stomach and not actually on the blanket. I have a fairly dark red doona so might just change my current one to that one as she will probably end up being a pain and pulling the undies off if she had them on her at night.

Edited by tollersowned
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I've put down an extra "dog" blanket where she usually sleeps but like most nights she ends up sleeping curled up against my stomach and not actually on the blanket. I have a fairly dark red doona so might just change my current one to that one as she will probably end up being a pain and pulling the undies off if she had them on her at night.

I cover the bed with the spares :confused: doona cover is not enough to stop the drips going through to the doona. I'm not the fussiest person and a bit of blood never hurt but I didn't like the doona having all these blood spots on it. Dry cleaning didn't remove them. So I have multiple layers on the bed.

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Tollersowned - I feel your pain :confused:

Toller boy with implant has mated toller girl in the past. An ultrasound confirmed that the bitch was not pregnant - whew!

My toller boy (steralized at 7 months of age) has tried to mate toller girl in the past and ended up at the vet when his penis shaft wouldn't stop bleeding.

No lesson learnt from previous experience and with girl currently throwing herself at anything with 4 legs, all the steralised boys are very very interested and given half a chance would give her what she is asking for.

I sent my 10 month old entire male for a little holiday - he comes back next week. Figured it was easier on everybody.

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