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Do You Refer To Yourself As You Dogs "mum Or Dad"?


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Seems to me that a lot of people think using mum and dad and furrykids and so on is weird and or are embarrassed about it, however I find it weird using the word owner. It never sat well with me as I don't really think I own my dog he is part of the family and we all feel privileged to have him with us, he shows us love and teaches us everyday about patience and understanding, he entertains protects and we love him so. I own my house and two cars I don't feel I own my pet.

So yes I do use mum and dad and we refer to him as our much loved pet when talking to others and I couldn't have it any other way!

Totally agree. I know that legally my dogs are my property and I own them. But I never use the word 'owner' in relation to them. They are part of my family. For me 'adopted' is a better word.

I don't use 'mum' or 'dad' simply because we don't have kids so we have never referred to each other in those terms. But I have no issues with people referring to them as our 'kids'.

I fail to understand why people find it weird. Yes, they are a different species who need to be treated differently. But they can still be loved as much as any human being. To me, my dogs are like adopted children.

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I don't think of Saxon as my baby or my child but I do think of myself as his mum... and I think he sees me in that role :eek:

Don't you think when you take on a puppy straight from being with its actual mum you take over her role, in their eyes?

I don't actually say "come to mum" or anything, but when I'm pretending to be him talking to me (please tell me I'm not the only one who does this... :D ) I'll say things like "hi mum, hi mum, I'm so excited!" or "muuummm, I don't want a bath...).

I also do this with one of my cats, who I got as a kitten and who is quite attached to me personally (he has a meow that sounds just like "muuuummmm"), but not with the other cat who I adopted as an adult as she is much more independent and I don't think particularly cares if it's with me or someone else as long as she gets food and a comfy bed :)

I do call other people their dog's mum or dad rather than owner most of the time. But about calling boyfriends Uncle... I think that's weird to do with pets or kids! :o My friend calls her bf Uncle Paul to her dog and I said to her "but isn't it weird that Mum and 'Uncle Paul' then go off to the bedroom together..." Eeeewww :party:

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