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Do You Refer To Yourself As You Dogs "mum Or Dad"?


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I have just realised I am guilty of this and using a baby voice with them too (found this out when when I was trying to encourage our new baby to smile this morning and the dogs ran to me all excited)

We have 3 human kids and whilst our dogs are treated well I like to think they are treated like dogs. I guess I can see them in a Mum way as I look after them and take care of their needs just like my kids.

So are you a doggy mum or dad too?

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NEVER...but OH says "Where's Mum" to them. But that is my label here I am the Mum of the family I have three offspring of my own living here.

Edited by LizT
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I do, but I respect those who think it's weird too. I don't think anyone takes it literally.

I agree. Most people keep the 'mum' & 'dad' bit to everyday family life. Tho' it's funny when they don't.

My father said he remembered the day in a busy shopping street in Caloundra, when my mother called out to their dog. 'Biddy! Go with your father.' He reckoned people looked at him as if here were a great dane.

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I do, but I respect those who think it's weird too. I don't think anyone takes it literally.

We do here as well.. OH NEVER used to... but somehow he was the one that started it :banghead: , it used to be a bit more over the top than it is now.. we've mellowed a little lol.. We also call them our 'babies' (me moreso) but they definitely aren't our furkids!!

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I do hate the term furkids however, that drives me nutty

Yip - especially when people say "skin kids" too. It makes my skin crawl.

I calll myself mama in the privacy of my own home ("Mama's Home!", "Your mama wuvs you berry much") and I call them "my boy" and "my girl". Some people in my family say they're my kids, but I always say they are part of my family, but they aren't my kids.

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OH used to think I was an idiot for calling myself Mummy to our dog :banghead: Now he does it more then me! We only really do it at home when we are playing with him. For example the other night I got home late and I was talking to Jet asking him 'Did Daddy play with you and feed you tonight?' :banghead: I don't have a problem with it we have no real kids at the moment.

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Kind of. I don't say things like "come to mummy!" to the dogs but when pretend talking to the dogs about my partner I refer to him as "Uncle ..." and he refers to me as "mum". He gets "Uncle because they are my dogs only and so like a human mum might get her kids to call her new boyfriend "Uncle", that's what we do. :banghead:

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Yep, I am Mummy & my OH is Daddy to the dogs, the dogs understand these are our labels & always respond to it.

It's so cute in the afternoon when I tell the dogs "Daddy's coming home soon" & they all get excited & sit at the front door waiting for him. :banghead:

It doesn't really worry me if people think its weird or humanising them, there my dogs & IMO doesn't do them any harm. :banghead:

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hah - I often say parents instead of owners when referring to clients in grooming "Joey's mum is picking him up at 3"

:banghead: I remember one owner saying "we will come and get Joey after his brother is finished with soccer practice"... their 9 year old (human) son! LOL

Bf referred to himself as MY dogs 'daddy' the other day :banghead: I'm not my dog's 'mummy' I'm his 'vournie' (my name)

My dog knows who 'dad' and 'mum' are - my parents! So if you say 'go find mum' he'll go and get her

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