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Introducing Puppy To Cat


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I'll be getting my puppy today and i was hoping to get some tips on introducing the pup to the cat.

The cat got on fantastically well with my previous dog ( he used to go up to her and bow his head to be cleaned :) ), but she was an extremely placid older dog. ( I miss her :thumbsup: )

So, any ideas?


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I have a five month old amstaff who gets along good now with my cats, I just make sure they have been hanging out every day when I'm around and if he starts to do something wrong I let him no about it, and that seems to be working well .... So far lol

Edited by easyaz
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Thanks for the tips guys. The cat has only pawed at the dog once, and since we'd clipped his claws the night before, no damage was done.

I've been showing the kitteh plenty of love, especially when then the dog is around.

Harper has been inquisitive, but nothing too invasive and I've never held the cat back whilst Harper has been around.

So, so far so good. :rofl:

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Thanks for the tips guys. The cat has only pawed at the dog once, and since we'd clipped his claws the night before, no damage was done.

I've been showing the kitteh plenty of love, especially when then the dog is around.

Harper has been inquisitive, but nothing too invasive and I've never held the cat back whilst Harper has been around.

So, so far so good. :hug:

Your pup is TOOOO cute!

Our cats soon let our dog (now 18 mons) know who's boss! One of them now even plays chase, but the other is more guarded.

Great advice form the other DOLers

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Harper still wants to play with the cat, but he's lunging at him! ( rather enthusiastic little guy). Kitteh has been great. Doesn't antagonise the dog, walks past him calmly, gets out of his way if he thinks he's a bit much. Only paws at Harper if he thinks he's gone to far.

What's the best way to correct the dog? Suggestions?

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