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Stud Dog Owners And Puppy Buyers


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As a stud dog owner, do you have any contact/connection with puppy purchasers? Do you have any say in who the owner of the bitch sells their pups to?

The reason I ask is that I have found a dog who I LOVE and have contacted his owner, arranged to meet him, and the owner and I have been emailing back and forth for some time now, she is just the loveliest and most friendly lady. He is still relatively young, but will be appropriately health tested very soon, and other breeders have already approached her in the hope of using him over their bitches. I just wonder if my connection to the stud dog owner means anything? Like can she say to the breeder who own's the bitch "I want you to sell this person a puppy" ? Or does the responsibility of housing puppies lie solely with the owner of the bitch?

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want the stud owner to say "You can ONLY use my dog IF this person gets a puppy" or anything silly or extreme like that, just wondering if she gets any say in where the pups end up or not? (Other than perhaps her wanting to keep one for herself.)

I have never been in this boat before. I have always been recommended a breeder and then built my relationship with them, and then got a puppy pretty much from whichever dogs they happened to be putting together next, I have never fallen in love with a particular dog FIRST.

Thanks for any replies.

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I would see if the stud owner can put you in contact with the owner of the bitch he is being mated to, so you can build a rapport with that breeder.

I can't say I've heard of any arrangement where a stud owner has said 'sell this person a puppy'.

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I have in the past had a good raport when I've used their males and given them a list of people that own the pups, however I do not expect that from bitch owners. For me, it's just a courtesy but not an obligation. There would be no stud dog owner dictate to me, who I could or could not sell a puppy to out of a litter of my breeding.

Now if you're talking just good manners and communication, that's up to the individual. Not every stud owner cares where the pups go on an individual basis. By agreeing to breed their stud dog to the breeders bitch, they agree that the breeder will do right by the pups.

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I have never put puppy purchaser conditions on my stud dogs, but I have been in your situation. My youngest dog came via the stud dog owner. Like you I fell in love with the dog and wanted a pup from him. As condition of the mating that produced my pup the stud dog owner got two pups - one pup as payment and another purchased by the stud dog owner to on sell to me. I have however developed a relationship with the bitches owner too and would like to think she would have sold me a pup anyway :cry:

There is no reason why a stud dog owner can't stipulate that a certain person is to get a pup from the produced litter, it's up to the bitches owner to accept it or look for another dog. How common it is, I don't know...

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I have had people contact me to ask about litters my dog may have sired. They are usually people who want the particular bloodlines etc for a reason rather than a pet dog of that breed. As the owner of the stud dog I can put whatever I like in my stud contract and that could include "you must offer a puppy to XYZ" but doubt I would. I will pass on details of the mating to people interested and the bitch owners details (with permission) as I feel that unless the bitch owner is overly protective of their lines they will be ameniable to selling to a person who knows their breed and has done enough research to want particular lines.

My dog is used for performnce breeding not show so it could be different in the show lines.

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Edited because I got the question wrong ***BZZZT. FAIL***

You can ask the stud dog's owner to put in a good word for you - and perhaps more.

Edited by Jed
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Thanks to all for your advice.

There is no reason why a stud dog owner can't stipulate that a certain person is to get a pup from the produced litter, it's up to the bitches owner to accept it or look for another dog. How common it is, I don't know...

I see, fair enough. I would NEVER ask someone to do that though.

ask the stud owner to give you an introduction to the bitches owner/s and a reference

Yes thankyou, I think this is what I will do :thumbsup:

I should have clarified, I would like to have a relationship with the breeder who uses this dog over their bitch also, not JUST the stud owner. It's just that I've found the dog first this time. But I would never expect his owner to say "You HAVE to sell Cassie a puppy" as I would like to think (as someone else also mentioned) that I could be seen as a good enough prospective owner to "earn" myself a place in their mind as a puppy buyer anyway, friend of the stud owner or not.

Thanks again for the replies, you've all been helpful :) and I will ask my new friend to put me in touch with whichever breeder uses her beautiful boy!

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We all need help sometimes finding the perfect homes for our puppies....I am sure the eventual owner of the bitch may like a few reccomendations for puppy owners from the stud dog. Just cos you like the dog doesnt mean he will throw that with a bitch. Why dont you contact the breeder of the stud dog you like?

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When I am looking for a pup and there is a dog (or bitch) I really like, I always first consider going to the source, the same breeding (parents) that produced that dog.

Often good breedings will be repeated, so there is always this chance of another litter.

If there were other pups in the first litter that also had the same qualities I liked in the dog, then this would indicate there is a good chance you will see those same traits again in the next litter. In my mind this will give you the highest chance of getting a dog most like the one you liked.

Dogs do not always produce pups like themselves and often do not. Who they are bred to will also greatly influences the pups. The offspring of a dog or bitch is only half them so to speak. Where as full siblings have the same parents and the same opportunity to inherit the same genes.

Just a thought.

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Great point, thankyou for that! :( Unfortunately this dog I love is an import, and as I am only after a pet I won't be importing a pup from his same lines. But thanks for what you've written as that all makes sense, and yes I understand that any pup he produces will only be "half" of him, and may not be like him at all necessarily. Thanks!

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