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Housetrained Beagle, Not So Housetrained After Recent Move

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We have two Beagles, male & female, both 6 years old. Both are house trained ages ago. We have moved house just over a month ago and the male is just driving us bonkers at this stage with his constant urinating everywhere in the house. The doggy door is open or sometimes even the sliding door and still he will do it inside. He hasn't been neutered, yet, but strongly thinking about it now, but this late in the game probably won't change much.

Are there any tips/recommendations of things to try?



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Dogs don't generalise well, so chances are he just doesn't realise he's not supposed to pee in this house. Just go back to basics with him, supervise, take him outside regularly and reward when he goes outside.

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desexing now will make no difference at all. You have moved, there are new smells and being a male dog he obviously feels the need to mark.

If you cannot supervise him, dont let him wander the house alone. If he cocks his leg 'AHHH' and take him outside to show him the desired behaviour.

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