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Natural Flea Deterrant


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I thought there was a thread by someone asking for natural flea remedies/treatments. I used the search engine and after 20 minutes I can't find it and so I've given up and have begun a new thread instead.

I bought a book today about 100's of uses for Bicarbonate of Soda and in it, it says :

"Fleas do not like bicarbonate of soda either. You can sprinkle it on your lawn, where they often congregate, believe it or not, or you can sprinkle the bicarbonate of soda directly on to your pet to make sure they don't stay on too long."

I don't know about this, its effectiveness or whether there can be an issue with powdering our dogs with the stuff, but thought I'd post it here and ask if anyone has tried this and found it to be helpful.

I don't have a flea issue here *touch wood* so can't trial it myself, but I like the idea that something that is otherwise pretty benign might mean being able to avoid the use of a more harmful chemical substance.

*Edited for spelling.

Edited by Erny
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Brilliant as an oven cleaner! :wave:

And for deodorising carpets. Sprinkle that around instead of the expensive powder deodorisers before vacuuming. Ok it doesn't have a lovely floral scent, but is heaps cheaper :rofl:

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Lol .... shall I change Topic Title and open it up?

Did you know that Bicarb deters ants and cockroaches? (So says THE book). Oh .... and slugs and snails, apparently.

I will try that one out haha

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Brilliant as an oven cleaner! :thumbsup:

And for deodorising carpets. Sprinkle that around instead of the expensive powder deodorisers before vacuuming. Ok it doesn't have a lovely floral scent, but is heaps cheaper :D

It does if you store it in a tight lided container with a few drops of essential oil

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Its also very good added to water and syringed down a dogs neck if they show early signs of bloating. About a teaspoonful to a cup of water and massage dogs stomach to encourage bringing up or passing wind. This was advice from a local vet and its saved my bacon (and the dogs) several times.

Edited by goldchow
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I use talcum powder to deter ants, and I've seen lots of grey nomads doing the same thing, we put barriers of thick layers of the stuff all around our camp sites and car and trailer wheels and tents and under the crate....

Of course I'm sorely tempted to use the ant and roach poison powder but I suspect that's not so good for me or the dog.

I add 1 to 4 teaspoons of bicarb to the washing powder slot (with the washing powder in 1/4 the recommended dose), and half a cup of white vinegar to the fabric softener slot (no fabric softener) for clothes washing

And I use bicarb in cooking - most spectacular in the boiled fruitcake recipe ie you add bicab to the boiling wet mix of sugar and fruit and whooosh...

And there's some fun things you can do with coke/lemonade and bicarb. Rockets.

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I have noticed that when using bi carb if I spilled some and it comes in contact with some water it appears to dissolve, but should it be a really hot Queensland day, by the time you get back to wiping up the spill the water has evaporated and the bi carb is back to crystals.

I wondering if the bi carb was put into water and sprayed on lawns etc. would this be a more effective way for those with fleas to control them. The coverage would certainly be more effective than trying sprinkle it every where. Just a thought. Anybody tried this.

Could be a more effective way to get it onto the dog to.

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I don't know, Oakway - it's a thought. Although I imagined using a grass seed thrower/spreader (one of those hand ones) to spread the Bicarb powder over a lawn, if fleas were a problem there.

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Hope someone tries it and tells us.

Bicarb is a good cleaner ... only good for ovens PF, if the cheese bake didnt erupt and cover the oven :(

Erny - other recommendations for fleas are garlic in the food, and sulphur in the food. Both are supposed to be good for ticks too.

A little Lavender oil mixed with water and sprayed or wiped over the dog is supposed to deter fleas too, and repel mossies.

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