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Photoshop, Lightroom Or ?


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I'm thinking that it might be time to learn how to do some editing. So I'm interested in knowing a few things - what program do you use/prefer, is one easier/more instinctive to use than the other and can I learn them via internet sources or would it be best to do a course of some type (which I'm more than happy to do)?

So - tips, tricks, experiences, anything of use - lay them on me please, I'm ready!! :laugh:

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depends what you want to do - and how much you can afford .

I use lightroom a lot .. it is where changes are made to fix exposure issues/sharpening/colour etc... in my photos.:laugh: lightroom

I do have photoshop (came on a laptop from a friend ;) ) but rarely use it - it confuses me :laugh: It is handy for the times I want to try fancy stuff ..like creating different scenes ,etc.

I tend to use a free program to quickly do bits & pieces .. THIS ONE

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Guest Tess32

Lightroom is great for editing an entire photo, as well as being an image library with *excellent* sorting abilities. Photoshop is better at spot fixes and editing smaller portions of images. I need both.

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I have both and used each for a while.. I prefer lightroom for it's simplicity (it seems a little confusing at first). But Photoshop is just too technical for me. If I went a did a course or something on it I would probably like it. I just love lightroom because if you find a setting you love you can save it as a preset and you won't have to keep fiddling around to get the same look you did before!

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I have photoshop and I dont know how to use it. I know people say there's lots of tutorials on the net, but I dont understand them! Here's an example. I copied someones description of how to create a vignette, he insists it's an easy way. Good, that sounds like what I need. Here we go.

Create new layer

Ctrl + Alt + shift+ N

Fill layer with pure white

Shift + backspace

Yep, so far so good.

Set blend mode to multipy

Alt + shift + M

yep, still here.

Apply vignette filter to the new layer

Filter>>Distort>> lens correction.

He's lost me. I got filter and distort but couldn't find lens correction

the next instruction was

Mess with the amount and midpoint slider in vignette section. I couldn't find any of that either.

then press OK and you're done. I couldn't find an OK key either. so once again, I go to the bottom of the class and put my dunces hat on. :love:

Edited by Kirislin
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I agree Kirislin, vignetting in PS was just made WAY to hard. I remember one shot (before I had LR) that I wanted to vignette but I just couldn't be bothered.. love LR, just one slide and it's perfect!

The only time I really use PS is when I need to do really detailed work and you need to do little fiddly things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks! I often forget to reply (serial reader, much less of a poster!). Will do a bit of research then and thanks for those links to other programs, much appreciated. I'll have to go and play!

Yeah Kirislin, I think that would do my head in too! THe photoshop we have, doesn't seem particularly easy to use - much like your story. Thanks for sharing!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

If you have a Mac (which hardly anyone does I know) Aperture is easily the best photo editing solution available.

It isn't expensive either ($99 from the App Store).

If you serious about photography your going to want a Mac anyway :o

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Thanks again! Have just downloaded the lightroom trial and have started playing a bit. Its fun and i can see a lot of time being wasted (messing around!) with it! I can vignette now!!! I'm a bit excited...

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