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Right so Hugo the rottweiler might have fleas!!! :laugh:

He's two and a half and never had a flea or tick, he's inside most of the time. About 5 days ago I noticed little black specs in his bed, I didn't know what it was and the next day found more so I went online and searched, I did the paper napkin test and I am quite certain it's flea dropping :laugh: the problem is I am pregnant and can't use any of the products for fleas so I've been online searching natural remedies this is what we did:

We put Hugo outside for the day and cleaned the beds and carpet with vinegar vacuumed and washed all sheets, opened the windows to allow fresh air and sun, we then took hugo for a bath and hubby used a tick and flea shampoo. He was then allowed back inside.

We looked him over but couldn't find any fleas on him at all.

We've since (this was two days ago) vacuumed everyday and haven't seen any droppings on his bed, however he's been occasionally scratching... I might be going paranoid here a little he migh scratch 5/6 times a day but he never used to... so my dilemma is does he still have fleas although there are no droppings, could he be scratching because of the shampoo we used... does anyone think this might have worked and maybe he had one or two fleas and we took care of it or I am being optimistic and should fumigate my entire house???

Would love any help as I've never dealt with fleas before.

Edited by chiara
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Right so Hugo the rottweiler might have fleas!!! :laugh:

He's two and a half and never had a flea or tick, he's inside most of the time. About 5 days ago I noticed little black specs in his bed, I didn't know what it was and the next day found more so I went online and searched, I did the paper napkin test and I am quite certain it's flea dropping :laugh: the problem is I am pregnant and can't use any of the products for fleas so I've been online searching natural remedies this is what we did:

We put Hugo outside for the day and cleaned the beds and carpet with vinegar vacuumed and washed all sheets, opened the windows to allow fresh air and sun, we then took hugo for a bath and hubby used a tick and flea shampoo. He was then allowed back inside.

We looked him over but couldn't find any fleas on him at all.

We've since (this was two days ago) vacuumed everyday and haven't seen any droppings on his bed, however he's been occasionally scratching... I might be going paranoid here a little he migh scratch 5/6 times a day but he never used to... so my dilemma is does he still have fleas although there are no droppings, could he be scratching because of the shampoo we used... does anyone think this might have worked and maybe he had one or two fleas and we took care of it or I am being optimistic and should fumigate my entire house???

Would love any help as I've never dealt with fleas before.

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The best produce to use to get rid offleas from Hugo is Comfortis tablets.

As well as being the most effective product, it will be perfectly safe for you because the active ingredient only circulates in his blood stream, making it perfectly safe for use around pregnant women.

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