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Crate And Trailer Questions


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We will be getting a golden retriever puppy the first weekend of April, and we will be crate training her. We would like a collapsible wire crate and we are looking at getting one from Vebopet or a C Crate.

As to which we decide on depends on the following:

We love camping and we will be wanting to take our dog with us when we do go again (end of the year). Our car is a Holden Commodore sedan and she will not fit in the car (we have 2 children as well). So our thought was of getting a box trailer and securing her crate inside the trailer when needed and have her traveling in that (we would get a canvas cover made up for the crate with zip up windows and doors and the trailer would also have the option of a canvas cover with zip up windows etc). But are dogs allowed to be transported this way? Would we have to have the suspension altered to make it a smoother ride for the dog? We would be looking at an off road type box trailer. I am not sure what their suspension is like to start with.....

We were opting for an off road box trailer rather then a dog trailer because we need to transport all of our camping gear as well (it's a lot).

If we are able to transport her this way, would we be better off with the c crate?

And what's the difference between the vebopet crates and the c crates?

I am sorry if this post is all over the place :laugh:

Any thoughts/ideas/recommendations would be appreciated ;)

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With the box trailer, I'd be worried about heat with the lack of proper insulation and ventilation.

I have a 4-berth dog trailer and I only show one dog at the moment... usually the other 3 bays have camping gear in them :laugh:

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Ccrates are generally lighter, very smooth and easy to set up and collapse and have steel trays (as opposed to the plastic trays that other crates have). They are worth the extra $$ if you are planning on using it a lot and will last a long time.

That said you may be better off with a soft crate for camping.

Why can't she just be harnessed in the backseat with the two kids?

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MissB- Thanks for your reply :laugh:

SecretKei- Both our children are still in carseats so that would leave very minimal room for her. It would probably be ok for short trips but not so much for long ones.

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SecretKei- Both our children are still in carseats so that would leave very minimal room for her. It would probably be ok for short trips but not so much for long ones.

Fair enough, but you would be surprised at how little room even bigger dogs can take up :laugh:

You can buy hammock type things that loop around the headrests between the back and front seats. Some zip back to a single seat size to allow for passengers and I'm sure I've seen a couple around the place (maybe Big W or online??) that have sides which box the dog into a single seat space. Something like that would cover the footwell giving the dog a reasonable amount of space and also section her off from the kids somewhat. Just a thought.

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No way would I contemplate putting a dog in a box trailer. Do you have any idea how easy it is to flip one of them. I'm not even fussed on dog trailers because I know of people that have rolled them but they are a lot more stable and stronger than a box trailer.

If you really want to take the dog camping get a dog trailer or trade the sedan for a wagon and stick the camping gear in a box trailer. I don't know where you go camping but keep in mind that dogs are not allowed in National Parks.

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You can pick up 2nd hand dog trailers reasonably cheap (keep an eye on the Dogzonline classifieds) and it would be fairly easy to deck one out to suit the pooch and the camping gear. Trailers really do make life easy, you know the dog is safe and secure in a well ventilated, insulated area. If you need to stop and don't want to get the dog out, they're not roasting in the car - just open the trailer windows and away you go.

You could even do without the crate and let the dog sleep in the trailer, its very own home away from home!

Most dog trailers have a tack box on the front and you can usually put one on the back too (I've got a full width one for my gazebo). You can put roof racks and a roof basket on top for more storage, a PVC canvas bag or roof pod keeps everything dry. Thats in addition to the bays inside the trailer that the dog isn't taking up :laugh:

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No way would I contemplate putting a dog in a box trailer. Do you have any idea how easy it is to flip one of them. I'm not even fussed on dog trailers because I know of people that have rolled them but they are a lot more stable and stronger than a box trailer.

If you really want to take the dog camping get a dog trailer or trade the sedan for a wagon and stick the camping gear in a box trailer. I don't know where you go camping but keep in mind that dogs are not allowed in National Parks.

Agree with this. Also the fact that it would be like a sauna in the box trailer with no proper ventilation.

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Wouldn't a boarding kennel be safer for the dog while you are away camping.

Not all camping areas allow dogs nor do other campers always want dogs around them. :laugh:

Some camping areas depending where you go could be severely tick prone.

I have enough problems camping at dog shows with fleas and ticks and that may only be an over night show.

If I wanted to go camping and enjoy myself I would place the dog in a good boarding kennel.

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Thankyou everyone for your replies and recommendations :laugh:

Ventilation was an issue for me as well which is why I suggested to my husband about getting a proper dog box made up (I forgot to mention that in my OP).

A new car is not an option for us right now as it is a very expensive option and we don't think it's necessary.

I will look into proper dog trailers.

oakway- Our dog will be apart of our family so we would like to include her as much as possible. I will be staying away from boarding kennels as I would much rather prefer to have my parents or inlaws look after her if needed. And we will be considering the areas we take her to regarding ticks. We have young kids and entertainment is a must, so we normally go to caravan parks. Many of the top tourist ones allow dogs (on leash). Thanks for mentioning it though :mad

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Even with ventilation, a box trailer would be very hot as the floor isn't insulated and the heat off the road can be horrendous. If you go ahead with the idea, get something insulating to go under the crate - you can buy a mat-like product from Supercheap or Auto One (can't remember which!) that is used by people doing up older cars - it deadens sound and insulates. Great for dog trailer floors too :laugh:

AFAIK it's not illegal to transport a dog in this way provided it is properly restrained and not distressed.

Me - I'd be leaving the dog with family or in a boarding kennel. Sooooooo many things you do on holiday where you can't take the dog, leave it at the camp site and you have to rush back to ensure the dog is OK in the heat, or it starts barking at the neighbours and you get evicted :mad Too hot for most dogs much of the time, constantly have to make sure the dog is secured and not in the sun, has water, dog can't go to the beach, dog can't go to the pool, dog can't go to the lake. Doesn't really sound like a relaxing holiday to me (and my holidays mostly consist of going away to dog shows!)

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We went from a large 4x4 to a small hatch and our dogs won't fit in the back (not to mention I don't want Golden hair all through the new car). I looked into converting a box trailer and spoke to lots of people who have done it successfully but all said they wouldn't do it again as it worked out cheaper to buy a second hand dog trailer. This is what I have. A small four berth dog trailer that fits one Golden and a Shih Tzu down one side (it opens up to make two very large bays) with all my gear down the other and the crate (I have a large collapsible one) and table secured at the front.

We are getting another Golden this year and will have less room in the trailer for camping gear so are looking at getting a roof rack basket for on top of the trailer.

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Sandra777- Thanks for your reply :laugh: Ideally I would want a box for the dog that is made out of the same materials as the dog trailer (with the ventilation, whirly bird and all) but only 1 berth in size so it can be fixed onto/into an off road trailer. I don't think they exist though! Damn it LOL.

Crazy Daisy- Thanks for your reply also. I will have to have a talk to hubby about a dog trailer and also do some more researching. We take so much camping gear with us I am not sure it would fit into a 4 berth one.... (up until now we have hired a trailer). The dog trailers are so expensive that we will definately go second hand if we do decide to get one.

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Hi good luck in your search and with whatever you decide to go for.

We love our camping trips too and have just recently bought a bigger car so hopefully everything will now fit in (including our new addition!!). As for not taking the dog - no way like you said our dog will be part of the family and will always come with us :D .

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Have you considered having the dog ride in the rear passenger footwell?

There's no way I'd transport a dog in any kind of box in a box trailer. A second hand 4 berth dog trailer could easily be converted into safe, lockable insulated storage for camping gear AND dog.

At least with a dog trailer, you can stop on a hot summer day and know you're not going to fry your dog.

A collapsible crate, even with a canvas cover offers no protection from rain. It certainly won't protect the dog from heat or cold either.

A collapsible crate would offer zero protection in an accident.

If you want to go offroad camping with a dog, IMO there's only one safe place for the dog to travel and that is in the car. If you cannot provide safe, insulated transport for the dog, leave it in kennels.

Edited by poodlefan
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SecretKei- Both our children are still in carseats so that would leave very minimal room for her. It would probably be ok for short trips but not so much for long ones.

Fair enough, but you would be surprised at how little room even bigger dogs can take up :D

You can buy hammock type things that loop around the headrests between the back and front seats. Some zip back to a single seat size to allow for passengers and I'm sure I've seen a couple around the place (maybe Big W or online??) that have sides which box the dog into a single seat space. Something like that would cover the footwell giving the dog a reasonable amount of space and also section her off from the kids somewhat. Just a thought.

This http://www.dinodirect.com/seat-cover-hammo...UD&AFFID=74 is what I was referring to.

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SecretKei- Thankyou for the link. It will come in very handy :thumbsup:

Thankyou everyone for taking the time to reply. After a long discussion we will be getting a station wagon (in the near future) and an off road trailer for the camping gear.

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