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Riley Meets Fly


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is yours a fly eater/snapper too?

i have got a few kelpies with the tounge happening haha, the facial expressions that follow, soo funy too!

this is little rufie he is a character!

i caught him at the wrong moment :laugh:


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The tongue... :laugh:

;) Oh wow, that tongue is impressive! :laugh: No sheep is safe!

catherine.b - Rufus is soooooooooooooooo cute. You must miss him so much, although I guess you'll have your sleep-time back.

I have no good tongue photos. Hoover only shows his tongue when he's being spethal. The sheep would laugh at him.





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Riley is actually a scaredy cat when it comes to flies.

If theres one in the room, and he see's it, he'll run and hide.

He sleeps in his bed, next to our bed, and the other night there was a fly in the room. Riley saw it, got up and ran under the dining room table and stayed there. I called him back in, but he saw the fly, and ran out again :cry:

OH got the fly, then called Riley and he quite happily went to sleep in his bed then as it was gone.

Weird dog :)

Edited by wagsalot
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