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Prog Test Kits


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I find the above link provides prog measurement tests but are short on details at this point. Looks like it will allow an ordinary vet to do a quick and dirty prog measurement after doing a blood draw and cut out the expensive and time consuming step of sending the sample off to a distant laboratory.

Has anyone had experience with such kits? Are they good value for a country person who wants to do chilled semen AI?

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There has been a few threads on similar things prog testing strips, draminski etc.

General thoughts are they are not that accurate because of a few things - human error, infection etc.

I say prog test is your safest bet if you want accurate results.

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Thanks SwaY. I've done the Draminski thing and sold the equipment cause I couldn't make it work. A vet showed me how to do the cytology thing and I concluded I'm not good enough with a microscope. This seems to be a different option that does an approximate reading of LH based on a blood sample and results can be interpreted as ng/ml . . . it is intended for use by veterinarians or others with skill level that permits them to draw blood. In otherwords, it looks like a less precise equivalent of the prog test that would cost me $90 here and take so long it's hardly worth doing. I tried using search, but can't find any discussion of similar options . . . seems to me that a kit that allows your everyday small animal vet to do a test in house would be a great option . . .

If you have pointers to equivalent tests, I'd appreciate more specific references.

Edited by sandgrubber
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One time, we did progesterone and this sort of kit at the same time to determine how accurate it was. It involved blood draw and placing it in three vials with solutions and looking at the colour to determine where on the scale the level was. We found it pretty accurate, however the reader must interpret the colour and guage on the scale where it is, so it's not as precise due to this. However for natural matings, it would be a great tool because you don't need to be quite as accurate as with a frozen implant.

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It's better than that. Further study shows it gives you 12 tests for $95 . . . plus the cost of a blood draw . . . and results are available in 30 minutes!

The down side is the outcome isn't real precise. But it will pick up the important rise when they go from being on season to close to ovulation.

If you check their website, they also have some other good AI stuff . . . shipping packs for chilled, insemenation kits, extender, etc. see http://www.equitainer.com/Canine/index.htm and scroll through the options. They also say the prog test works well for predicting whelping date, eg when elective Ceasar is called for. Technical aspects of the prog test kit can be found under 'documentation' on the scroll down menu

From what I can figure, Anglesun hit the nail on the head . . . it's accurate but not real precise. Which I'd much prefer to precise but not accurate

$90 far out Sandgrubber!! that's a jump from same day results and half the cost. :thumbsup:
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I wrote them and asked what they'd charge for shipping to Oz. Here's the reply

Thank you for the inquiry. We do ship to Australia. We can ship either UPS, which is very expensive (over $100 for just one kit) or US Postal Service which is less expensive but does not have a reliable tracking system. We usually check with the recipient to be sure that they are confident with their mail service and recommend the US Postal Service. Shipping costs will vary depending on the size of the order and the specific address.

Shipping for one Target Kit (12 test kit) to Australia via USPS would be $48.

If you were looking to buy in bulk I would suggest speaking directly to the Manufacturer. We are a distributor of the product and therefore cannot give any price breaks for quantities, but I am sure they would.

Let us know how you go, how much was shipping out of interest?

I would prog test to be sure.

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