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A 'what Breed Do You Think' Thread


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Plus it's fun to guess :thumbsup:

This is my first post, long time lurker.

Little boy was adopted through rescue. He was 5kg at 8 weeks and has probably put on another kg or two (vet appt on weekend will confirm!) - at 10 weeks now. I think we have a medium-sized, tall staffy cross on our hands, what do you think? :thumbsup:

I can add another angle if that will help, this is looking down; I thought a shot of his face would be most useful.

Littermates had Kelpie-type tan/white/black markings, he was the only with any solid black, a few others were solid tan.

A few people have been throwing around some large breeds he might be crossed with which has scared me a bit! :D (only joking, more of him to love)


And yes, I know I will never know, and yes I know he is an adorable heinz mix :o

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A pic of him standing -side on would be nice :thumbsup:

That was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be, with him racing around in circles around me :thumbsup:

Hope this helps a bit!


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I don't think he'll be big as such, as his feet aren't massively out of proportion. I'd say probably kelpie height. He will definitely be a stocky bugger though - there's a fair bit of staffy in there !

Whatever he is, he's cute :(

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Another here who thinks medium sized.

Usually you can tell if a pup is going to be big by how overly proportioned the paws are to its body. Your little guy has average sized paws. Definitely Amstaff or Staffy cross, and I reckon he will 'fill out' when he's a little older too.

He is gorgeous though, your very lucky :(


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