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Destructive Dog When Home Alone....please Help!


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I was hoping you could help me. I have a 3 yo Australian Bulldog who I've had for nearly a year. Things were fine until I went away for 4 days, then when I returned I started a job, last November. Since then her destructive behaviour has worsened when she is left alone, despite trying numerous things.

Firstly, the behaviour. Babe gets into the fridge and will pull whatever she can reach out. This then gets taken and eaten on my sons bed or in the other bedroom, which makes a huge mess. As she is on a special diet and can't eat all foods, she then tends to get ill later that day and suffers with skin allergy breakouts in the fololwing days....... She will get into the garbage bin if it's not put on the bench. Any food must be put out of her reach and all cupboards closed, otherwise she'll pull out whatever she can reach!

I've tried a variety of things but she is still misbehaving.These include putting Child locks on the fridge x 2!! She breaks them off!....Blocking off the kitchen with an upturned table and 2 dining chairs. She knocks them over and jumps over or moves the table to get to the kitchen!..... 2 Kongs with homemade biscuits given everyday to keep her entertained. Manages to get her biscuits out, then proceeds to get into mischief..... I also leave the stereo on when I'm out......finally, homeopathic drops for seperation anxiety.

As you can see this has really become a problem, and I now worry everytime I have to go out. I only work 2 hours a day but that is still enough time for her to get up to no good. Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated, as I'm getting to my wits end.

Thanks in advance.


Lis :?

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She may just be bored & looking for something fun to do?

I don't leave my dog alone in the house at all, she's a good girl but she's only canine, and if left alone all day I'm sure she'd find some way to amuse herself that wouldn't amuse me.

If you're only leaving her alone for 2 hours a day, I'd just crate her with a kong or bone. She will be quite fine in a crate for 2 hours a day.

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thank you all for taking time to reply to me, I really appreciate it.

Prior to me going to Sydney for 4 days, she would stay in all day with no issues! It only started after I returned from my trip to Sydney, then on my return I started my job.

I have heard of crate training before, but not sure exactly what this involves. So here goes a stupid question....is it an actual crate or a special one you buy for dogs? Also where can you get them from?

Thanks again.

Lis :thumbsup:

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It's a special crate you buy for your dog. It needs to be at least large enough for the dog to stretch out on their side, although if your dog is house trained it can be far bigger if you prefer.

My dog has a wire crate, but you can get plastic ones too. I put a cover on top so she feels secure and safe in there, and a cushion and a water bowl inside so she's comfortable. If you get them used to it slowly, most dogs are quite happy to snooze in their crate for a few hours at a time, especially if you leave them something to do in there.

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thank you all for your advice. We are looking at getting our fence complete in the very near future so once that happens life will be a lot happier for all. In the meantime, I've started putting a few of your suggestions in place over the weekned, and I'm pleased to say that today I had to be out for 5 hours and there was no real damaged caused. She did attempt to get into the fridge, but I put a hanky on the door with eucalyptus oil on it as a deterrent. It seemed to have worked. Between my oldest son and I we have organised to take her for 2 walks every day as well as the basic obedience training that I have started with her.

Other than this issue she is a great dog, and we love her bits. She is eager to please, so I think (hope) this problem should be solvable, with a bit of time and patience.

Thank you all again for your advice. I really do appreciate it. :D


Lis ;)

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