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Do Siblings Recognise Each Other


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I just had a random thought...

I'm picking up my puppy tomorrow after weeks and weeks of preparing and and waiting, and I thought to myself: Will my puppy remember his siblings if he sees them again one day? Or would he just meet them and treat them like any other dog - a stranger.

Silly question I know, but after months of separation, if they met again would they remember? Or even years? Is there a particular scent to a family? Have you guys had any heartfelt reunions?

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I would not think that a dog would recognise it's 3 year old sibling if they'd not seen each other since they were 8 weeks old.

However, if these dogs spent a year together then went away for 5 years, I would imagine it's possible they might remember each other.

BTW: I get my new puppy tomorrow too. :cheer:

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They do seem to know their siblings even after months or years, but not necessarily like them. They definitely know their mum and breeder even if they haven't seen them for many years. Don't know if it applies to all breeds but BCs have memories like elephants.

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They do seem to know their siblings even after months or years, but not necessarily like them. They definitely know their mum and breeder even if they haven't seen them for many years. Don't know if it applies to all breeds but BCs have memories like elephants.

Poodles do too!! I've had dogs I've bred recognise me after 2-3 years!

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My Aussie knows when there is another Aussie around whether a sibling, mother or nieces or nephews.

Do Aussie's have a certain smell? as he knows when there is an Aussie in the area he's in. And he does love to play with them.

I'm sure other dogs with the exception of golden retrievers don't know how to play the Aussie Way.

So I guess my answer to your question is Yes

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Every time Kivi has seen his breeders they have got extra special cuddles and kisses. To me, they are definitely more than just faces in the crowd. But he doesn't seem to recognise their dogs.

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They do seem to know their siblings even after months or years, but not necessarily like them. They definitely know their mum and breeder even if they haven't seen them for many years. Don't know if it applies to all breeds but BCs have memories like elephants.

Yes they do. We had a brother and sister together for a year, then 2 years later they saw each other again.. and they knew. My boy met his sister after 4 months apart, and he knew her then too.. If he hears his breeder talking on videos he'll start to cry and bark :cheer:

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My lab met up his littermates at around 5 months and then every few months we still get together with one of the families who has his brother and little half brother. He remembers his full brother for sure, they love playing together!! He does have a best friend though, another lab we met in pup class at 16 weeks at our dog club and we have let them play together once a week since then ( for 2 years now) and they are best buds, if we get the whole group together and his brothers and Phoebe are there he will choose to play with Phoebe :)

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One of my Cavs meets a litter mate at shows regulary but I don't think they know they are sisters, they just make the same fuss of each other as all Cavaliers do when they meet another!!!

Or in my girls case when she meets a German Shepherd either White or Sable! :)

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I would say it depends on the individual dogs.

We had a 1yr family reunion, the whole litter was there.

One puppy didn't care to interact with the everyone, just his favourite one - the same as he did when a puppy.

The others were doing things they did as puppies, same games, same mannerisms, same noises etc.

Things the new owners had not seen, yet these were things they did as babies when with me.


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I would say it depends on the individual dogs.

We had a 1yr family reunion, the whole litter was there.

One puppy didn't care to interact with the everyone, just his favourite one - the same as he did when a puppy.

The others were doing things they did as puppies, same games, same mannerisms, same noises etc.

Things the new owners had not seen, yet these were things they did as babies when with me.


Sway that is beautiful all together after a year

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My pup left her siblings at 12 weeks old. We visited her breeder when they were 12 months old and saw her mum and two brothers. None of them recognised each other that we were aware of, just acted like they would with any other visiting dog.

She did seem to recognise the breeder's kids, though :)

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One of my pups (now 10 months old) from my last years litter came for a surprise visit last month, & while I don't know if they remember each other as littermates, Her & jasper (the little boy that we kept) certainly got along very well. Not only that,but she went straight up to Brandy (her mum) & nosed underneath her belly looking for a teat :D

She also gave me lots of kisses, like she remembered me .

I really do believe they remember the place they where born. :clap:

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But also remember that many dogs like well ok love dogs that look like them and if they act like them they will carry on as if they have always known each other. My parents Golden Retriever and one day in the middle of Goolwa another GR came up to him that looked just like him (it was uncanny the likeness) and they carried on like long lost friends.

They didnt know each other and came from different parts of the country - I thought that was in isolation but then I had my dog at an early DOL gathering at the orphanage here in SA. The others dogs yeah well they were ok but then one went past that looked just like her and she went nuts trying to get its attention (other dog went past with owner and they werent stopping any time soon) - other DOLers who saw it also commented on her reaction. Now she may have been related or it was just the fact that this dog looked just like her and she thinks lab xs and black labs are far above the best dogs ever. Greets them a lot differently than her stand offish approach to others (except and brown/white Aussie Shepherd she met a couple of times).

SO they may recognise littermates or if they dont have any kind of semi regular contact they may simply see a dog thats just like them and therefore is better than any other dog out there.

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My boy came from a litter of 8 (well 9, but his twin died at birth). He saw his Dad (RIP) and sees his mum and 2 siblings they kept every 6 months or so. Just like when they were pups Mum still has to keep them in line :hug: All 3 pups show her so much respect it's heartwarming. A couple of years back I caught up with another two of his siblings (diff families) who he hadn't seen since he was 8 weeks old (he's just about to turn 11). Like someone said above (with the Danes I think?) they reverted back to puppyhood with my boy and one of his brothers ganging up (in play) on his other brother (RIP). I've also had a couple of his other brothers here over the years (babysitting) and their interactions are just as they were in their litter pack. It's absolutely adorable to watch them interact. There's only 1 brother we have lost contact with so it would be very interesting to see how they react if they should ever meet.

Edited by The Bears
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I suppose it may be down to the individual dogs but I went on a trip in 2010 and visited with Connors family and after a little bit of 'not quite sure' Connor his sister , his doggy mum and his doggy 'uncle' all got on famously, as did Clancy my older boy who is not related!

Crash, my Rainbow Bridge boy, a lovely yellow Lab always seemed to remember his mates, and he always greated his err 'lady friends' in a special way too!


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Would be hard to tell with mine as they just love all newfies, even if unrelated. We go to newfie days and there are just no hassles :thumbsup:

And they do all seem to recognise the breeder, must be the early socialising

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Generally only if they have kept in contatc with each other.

My puppy met one of her brothers at around 5-6 months of age and he actually tried to attack her.

She has seen her other brothers every month but doesn't really seem to play with them or treat them any different to any other labrador. In fact she is more reserved with them as they are really over the top dogs!

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