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White Bumps/blisters On Pup


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Just wondering if anyone can help me, my 12wk cocker spaniel has white bumps on his legs and lower belly. He also has a few scabs on him, maybe from where he's been biting or scratching himself but since I've been home I haven't seen him scratch at all but he is definitely restless tonight, he is really whiny and can't keep still almost like he can't get comfortable, its really unusaul as he would normally be asleep most of the night.

I gave him a bath with aloe and oatmeal wash to try and give him a bit of relief if its the bumps bothering him but it hasn't seemed to of done anything.

Would anyone know what it could be? We haven't changed his diet and he hasn't gone anywhere different. He plays outside but has done for over a month now so I'm thinking he would of broken out sooner if he was allergic to something in the garden? I really don't know what to do, should I go to the vet in the morning? Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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Could he have been bitten by something and is having an allergic reaction? If so the antihistamines may help but with a puppy you'd have to know the correct dose to give. It would be extremely easy to overdose a puppy.

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  Ams said:
Could he have been bitten by something and is having an allergic reaction? If so the antihistamines may help but with a puppy you'd have to know the correct dose to give. It would be extremely easy to overdose a puppy.

Yes I suppose he could have been bitten by something, but I am unsure what. It doesn't look like ant bites or mozzies and its not one bite there are a few of them so I'm thinking it might not be a spider.... I don't have any antihistamines here and I would know how much to give him

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I do think it would be safest to take him to the vet in the morning. It could be bites, it could be an allergy, it could be puppy acne - it could be a heap of things ... most of them not too serious, but if allowed to get away, could result in misery for him, and hair loss.

Other option is to ask the breeder. I presume he didn't have it when you collected him?

good luck :laugh:

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