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Dematologist / Allergy Specilialist In Brisbane Area


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Has any come across a good dermatologist &/or allergy specialist in Brisbane?

Scarlett came up in a rash after she was desexed. The vet initially said it was a minor skin infection from 'puppy pimples' (probably from the stress of the surgery) that would clear itself up. Since then (about a fortnight) she's come up in more bumps. Being a bull terrier I suspect it's an allergy, just not sure if it's something she's come in contact with or food related. We're keen to find out what the cause is.

Any recommendations?

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Charissa Smith is good for alterative ideas if you want a different scope on things - operates from her home far west of Brisbane or Greencross Vets at Inala on certain days. Has a website if you google her to check that out too. She refers to Vet Specialist Services on the south side who I rate very highly compared to specialist centre experiences on the north side and was happy to travel to see her to get a referral to the south side specialists regardless of travelling a lot further!

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Am not so sure about Stitch's recommendation. In 2009 Panda was showing some symptoms of hypothyroidism - rusty brown tone to his skin, lethargic, weight gain, loss of coat.

He was mis-diagnosed with NO blood tests done to check T4 levels. As a specialist I would have thought that the person would have picked this up?.

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