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Nipping Dobermann


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My friend recently got a Dobermann male puppy, he is now 10wks old and he constantly nips. Is there any adivice i can give her to stop a nipping puppy. Ive only had one pup in my life and it never nipped so i dont know what to tell her? Will he just grow out of it or should you distract him with a toy?

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  Dogperson said:
My friend recently got a Dobermann male puppy, he is now 10wks old and he constantly nips. Is there any adivice i can give her to stop a nipping puppy. Ive only had one pup in my life and it never nipped so i dont know what to tell her? Will he just grow out of it or should you distract him with a toy?

Look in puppy problems.. numerous topics on similar things in there...

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Perhaps also post this in puppy problems section.

There is a recent thread there with puppy nipping problems too.

It is unlikely a puppy would "grow out" of nipping, it is something we as humans must teach them is unacceptable. To summarize i think there are a few options:

1. yelp in a high pitched voice when the puppy nips and stop any interaction with it. when it calms down, redirect it to a toy

2. yelp, then calmly put the puppy in a time out area or walk away from the puppy and don't interact with it.

3. scruff the puppy gently when they nip you and give a verbal correction such as uh-uh or bah

4. press your fingers into the puppy's palate when it bites you (this will require further instruction from someone who actually uses this method before you should attempt this- i think nekhbet and maybe readysetgo???)

5. use a water spray bottle on the puppy when it bites you, ideally not letting the puppy see you directly with the spray bottle so they think "where did that come from" and don't associate you with it.

* not all of these are actually my opinions or suggestions, i am just saying what has worked for other people.

Personally I found no2 to be most effective with my labrador puppy. the most effective method will depend on the personality of the pup. If the problem is overwhelming or serious, it would be best to contact a trainer experienced in this problem to come out and give you some tips.

Additionally, it is very important to provide the puppy with adequate physical and mental stimulation to keep them from being bored. Basic training and simple tricks are a great way to mentally tire a puppy.

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