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After Desexing


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I would like some opinion on post - desexing conditions..

Just desexed Kairu on Monday and there's 2 things I want to get opinions about.

1. Is it normal to have bad breath after the desex?

2. He doesn't toilet (poop) as normal either.

He had a 'major' surgery according to the vet because one hasn't dropped and they had to find it and so did 3 incision(sp?)

He was fed half the amount of food he usually get for the past 2 days and will be returning to normal amount today.

I rang the vet to ask about it and according to her it's not something to worry about usually, the bad breath could be a light irritation from the tubes? and not pooping because he's only had half the amount of food.

I am going to see after normal feeding today if he'll go poop tomorrow but would like opinions if anyone experience this before? I am also not sure whether the bad breath is because he actually has poop and decided to eat it.

I take him to the toilet everyday to do his toilets and now he is on crate confinement, he has never ever poo in his crate though, so it doesn't seem likely.

Thanks :happydance2:

ETA: Just to update that today he has finally pooped and his breath has improved! yay

Edited by spitzbaby
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  spitzbaby said:

I would like some opinion on post - desexing conditions..

Just desexed Kairu on Monday and there's 2 things I want to get opinions about.

1. Is it normal to have bad breath after the desex?

2. He doesn't toilet (poop) as normal either.

He had a 'major' surgery according to the vet because one hasn't dropped and they had to find it and so did 3 incision(sp?)

He was fed half the amount of food he usually get for the past 2 days and will be returning to normal amount today.

I rang the vet to ask about it and according to her it's not something to worry about usually, the bad breath could be a light irritation from the tubes? and not pooping because he's only had half the amount of food.

I am going to see after normal feeding today if he'll go poop tomorrow but would like opinions if anyone experience this before? I am also not sure whether the bad breath is because he actually has poop and decided to eat it.

I take him to the toilet everyday to do his toilets and now he is on crate confinement, he has never ever poo in his crate though, so it doesn't seem likely.

Thanks :happydance2:

1. what does the breath actually smell like?

How old is this pup? does the desexing coincide with teething? as this can often result in not so nice breath.

2. what do you mean by not pooping normally? do you mean frequency, location or consistency?

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1. They did clean his teeth at the same time. He is almost 9 months. His breath smells like.. um.. it doesn't really smell like poo.. more like.. um... say.. in a human case, when you have mouth ulcers, your breath might smell like this?

2. As in, he has not poop after the desex until now. which is 2 days.

thanks :confused:

ETA missed a question

Edited by spitzbaby
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  spitzbaby said:
1. They did clean his teeth at the same time. He is almost 9 months. His breath smells like.. um.. it doesn't really smell like poo.. more like.. um... say.. in a human case, when you have mouth ulcers, your breath might smell like this?

2. As in, he has not poop after the desex until now. which is 2 days.

thanks :confused:

ETA missed a question

Well, the breath might be due to the ET tube irritating the mouth or back of the throat, or maybe they fed him something different at the vets (like My Dog cans- yuck!)

2 days is quite a long time not to poop especially for a pup. How frequently was he going before? are you sure he hasn't gone while you weren't watching?

Sometimes animals can become a bit constipated after anaesthetic depending on the drugs used.

But if he has been fed less and is not as active, it might be normal depending on how often he went before.

Take him back to the vet if you're concerned though.

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Thanks aussielover, he usually go once a day, occasionally twice. I'm very sure there is no poop in the house unless he ate it. So no I'm not 100% on that. He has no major exercise only very little walking here and there in the house.

Will look how he is tomorrow, he doesn't look sick, very eager to do zoomies and eat so hopefully it's nothing.

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Kyojin was just desexed a couple of weeks ago. He only had one descended testicle too, so they had to go searching for his other one. He was obviously very uncomfortable afterward and for the first day he kept falling onto his bum constantly, was having trouble going to the toilet. It probably took about a day before he pooed. Could it be that Kairu's just in a bit of pain and not wanting to go??

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That could very well be the reason, he does fall to his bum, but does not even attempt to poo when I take him out so I have no idea if it is pain. Thanks for sharing minxy, he sure can hold for a long time tho..

I know he's been very eager to lick,bite and scratch the area.. Thank dog for the ecollar

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